Breaking News!

Trump Evicts Minority Family From Government HousingTrump Evicts African-America Family From Government Housing

Given the long-standing and pernicious bias of Lamestream media and their growing hysteria, I’m actually shocked that the above isn’t a real headline flashing across their 24-Hour “news” cycle. 🙄

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White House Vandalism

White House VandalWhite House Vandalism

True, insofar as we’ve been allowed to know, there’s no indication that Barack Obama has “tagged” the White House in any way. The closest we have is his and Moochele’s darkening of it public artwork, something that they have every right to do even though it flies in the face of established tradition.

Yet, at the same time, his constant hateful, race-baiting and pro Black Insurrectionist rhetoric has done much to paint the White House in a manner that might as well be called vandalism. Never has anyone filling the role of POTUS injected their own hate and envy filled views into so many situations, both large and small. No resident of the White House has so fouled its hallowed halls.

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White House Flagging

What with the advances in technologies and the growing “showmanship” of the White House and all, it’s not really a surprise that they’d use lights for flagging the resident’s position and preferences.

Be that as it may, one has to be careful to maintain one’s political correctness when encountering such White House Displays lest one be branded some form of bigot or worse, a devout Christian by the Liberals and Progressives. It’s important to love that right things…

Faggot HouseBetter Learn To Love This!

Of course it’s not enough to profess love of what you’re told to love. It’s also necessary to hate what you’re told to hate, lest the Political Correctness police come for you and try to destroy you through paper terrorism, lawfare, or other means.

Confederate HouseBetter Hate This!

And that’s just how it is. America’s domestic enemies want to force we, the People to support and endorse what they declare we should and to hate and revile what they claim we should. Failure to do either is seen by them as reason for persecution and destruction. You are left with but two stark choices: obey the mandates of the Liberals and Progressives in order to avoid attack, or stand by your principles and suffer such.

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Lewinski’s Lament

Damn! Time certainly flies. It seems like just yesterday that Monica was crawling around the White House on her hands and knees, putting everything into her mouth, and now she is all grown up…into another whining, self-absorbed, responsibility-dodging, Liberal, attention whore.

Want to bet we will be the victims of a “leaked” Monica Lewinsky-Sandra Fluke lesbo sex tape soon? 😯

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Please Be More Specific

It strikes me as more than a little odd that the US Secret Service has provided such seemingly piss-poor protection to Obama, especially since he’s supposedly the most threatened POTUS is recorded history.

Secret Service questions whether or not Obama should be in the White House
Could You Be More Specific

It sometimes makes me wonder if the Secret Service doesn’t actually believe that protecting Obama from assassination is actually in the best interests of America.

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