America Needs…

There is no doubt in any sane person’s mind that Obama rose to power on a three part platform: that he wasn’t President Bush; the “Magic Negro” promise; and his avowed belief in far Left, Socialist policies. These three points are what allowed him to garner enough funding to buy his way into the Presidency.

The first two are important only in future historical context and as an object lesson in real racism; the reactionary nature of the electorate, and ethnoguiltism and racism are well established phenomena. It is only the third leg of Obama’s platform that really matters right now – his left-wing, socialist demagoguery based upon the postulate that America needs to be fundamentally changed.

Obama - We need to destroy their very fabric of America
We Need To Fundamentally Change America

Obama’s professed racially tinged Liberal and/or Progressive ideology is important for two reasons:

  1. It was and is the rationale used by many for supporting Obama. White Leftists supporting him can claim that they’re doing so based upon his policies instead of his race.
  2. It’s Obama’s avowed ideology that stands the real chance of further damaging America because he has to show that he’s making a concerted attempt to fundamentally change America into a European style, neo-Socialist quasi-nation subordinate to extra-national powers, and any success that he has in this will be a failure for America.

The sole bit of good news is that Liberalism and Progressivism, seasoned with racial angst, are only Obama’s professed and avowed ideologies. The boy is far to narcissistic, self-centered, and small to let any of his supposed beliefs get in the way of his legacy. This means that he’s controllable through his own weakness and that Americans, if they maintain or expand their control of Congress, can blunt most of his actions and policies that would harm America.

Hehe…Keep control of the House and get a few more seats in the Senate and Americans can impeach, convict, oust, and imprison or even hang Obama over Libya.

There’d be a certain joy – Schadenfreude certainly – in forcing the Liberals and Progressives to defend the President’s “right” to engage in illegal wars.

No, Obama is eminently defeatable even if he manages to shuck, jive, lie, and demagogue his way into a second term; he’s just a selfish, spoiled, little boy playing at being a man and, like all such brats, it just takes a firm hand to keep him in line – the last three years have proven that.

If Americans can keep their eyes on their local and state legislatures and upon the Congressional elections, we can look at Obama and, when he acts outs, metaphorically say, “Go to your room, boy!”

America needs, not to be fundamentally changed, but to fundamentally changed back into the great, shining beacon of freedom, liberty, responsibility, and pride that is meant to be – and, if Americans keep a firm hand on the strap, we can do that irrespective of whether or not Obama is continued to be allowed to be President.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.

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50 Years Of Decline

Once upon a time, long, long ago, in a nation far, far away from what is left of America of today, a POTUS admonished Americans to, “Ask not what your country can do for you- ask what you can do for your country.”

The intervening 50 years since President Kennedy issued those words have seen his bold admonishment not only ignored, but repudiated and spat upon.

Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…Demand It!

Four decades of moral decline has left America filled with people who are not concerned about asking themselves how they can help the nation they’re supposedly loyal to, have past the point in decline where they instead ask what the nation can do for them, and now demand that the nation do for them what they should be doing for themselves.

Bread and Circuses is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader–the barbarians enter Rome.

— Lazarus Long aka Woodrow Wilson Smith
To Sail Beyond the Sunset (Heinlein, 1987)

Nor is this cancerous growth of the entitlement society limited to those stridently ranting masses of eaters and looters seeking a welfare state. The heads of corporations who should be the leaders of the productive members of society are no better. Their demands for subsidies and bail outs to make up their many failings are just entitlements and welfare under a different name.

This societal cancer is nothing new and is one of the most common reason for any state throughout history to have failed. Even Rome, the greatest empire in human history succumbed to it, though it took over 4 centuries to do so.

I truly fear that, without a bloody and painful reversal of course, America’s decline and fall will be measured in decades, not centuries.

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Feeding The Monkeys

Feeding the Monkeys” is slang for doing something that you know is stupid, unwise, and/or contra-indicated. It almost always has a negative result. It is also a very apt metaphor for America’s ever-expanding entitlement programs.

Feeding The Monkeys Is Not A Wise Choice

The maddening fact that these “safety net” entitlement programs bear greatest resemblance to animal husbandry than anything meant to foster, or even maintain, human dignity just makes the comparison more accurate and pointed.

All we’ll ever get by feeding the monkeys is feeding frenzies, hand-out recipients squabbling and stealing each others’ “Government Manna,” and uncontrolled population increase among the subsidized groups. Worse, after some time being “fed,” neither they nor their progeny are capable of “being released back into the wild.”

This holds equally true for any all corporations that were declared Too Big To Fail and/or those industries that are now or have been receiving copious federal subsidies.

It’s all the same. It doesn’t matter if they’re sagging and wearing Ecko, Sean John, or Apple Bottom, or they’re in Brooks Brothers, Hermes, or Ralph Lauren; the feeding frenzy is fundamentally the same as is the expectancy that the trough will be refilled.

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