What’s Next?

What's Next? The #CancelWhitePeople Sorts Have No Limits
What’s Next? The #CancelWhitePeople Sorts Have No Limits

With the Blacks and their “White,” Liberal and Progressive enablers’ ongoing war upon all parts of our nation’s history in their attempt to unmake America and destroy our heritage, this is a sadly fair question. No monument seems to be off-limits to them.

How long until one of them flies a plane into the Statue of Liberty?

Really? How long until they up their game to that level of terrorism? They’re already violently rebelling against America and they’re already committing acts of destruction across the nation. It wouldn’t be a big step for them at all.

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Sweetly Triggering Offense

She's Sweetly Triggering Offense Among Our Domestic Enemies With Delightful Oreo Cookie Sundae.
She’s Sweetly Triggering Offense Among Our Domestic Enemies

Oh yeah! This fine Black babe is sweetly triggering offense among Blacktivists and their White Enablers. Certain sorts would lose their ever-hating minds upon seeing a Black woman enjoying and Oreo cookie sundae.

Of course, certain sorts are pathologically prone to “finding” cause for offense in almost anything that isn’t clearly, purely, and stridently anti-normative and hateful.

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