Regarding Economists

In these turbulent times economists have risen closer to the forefront of many people’s thoughts. With the economies of the Civilized World in a level of disarray more common among the failed states of the Third World the words and opinions of economists are listened to and called wisdom.

If people are going to grant weight to these pundits’ often conflicting theories, however, it behooves people to remember one simple fact:

In all recorded history there has not been one economist who has had to worry about where the next meal would come from.

Peter Drucker

It would be utterly foolish to blithely discount the economists’ hypotheses and theories; they have, after all, studied the art form – it’s not a science at macroeconomic levels – of economics. Yet people should remember that these economists are safe and to a large extent protected from the results of their experiments.

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The General Welfare

When dealing with the Liberals who willfully misuse and misinterpret the US Constitution to further their aims to replace America with a nation built upon their ideology of government mandated and controlled non-merit based equality of result it is useful to refer to what our Founding Father’s actually meant.

With respect to the two words ‘general welfare,’ I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.

– “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison

Now, in truth, the Nanny-Statists of the Left care very little for Madison or his thoughts, but Americans do. Referring back to the words, wisdom, and thoughts of the “Father of the Constitution” is always prudent when Liberals foul our Constitution by daring to cite it as an excuse for their beliefs and goals.

Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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American Happiness

So many Liberals and their Minority “tenants” scream, rant, and whine about entitlements. In their hearts and minds they believe that people – at least certain favored types, races, and classes of people – have the right to succeed irrespective of the amount and efficacy of the effort they spent to achieve that success.

Sadly for them – and for Americans now that they rule over us – this pernicious and un-American philosophy of egalitarian entitlement  flies in the face of truth and wisdom.

The U. S. Constitution doesn’t guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.

— Attributed to Benjamin Franklin
(No providence for attribution)

An American succeeds or fails – indeed, lives or dies – by the fruits of his or her own effort and the, often figurative these these days, sweat of their own brow. They do not succeed because they are entitled to.

It is such a shame that the Liberals do not, and apparently cannot understand this. Their attitudes are an insult and disservice to everyone they claim to support.


With a grateful H/T to Hsoi, who reminded me of these all-too-true and all-too-often, hated and despised words  of wisdom.

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Do The Gods Meet

Do the Gods meet and discuss us amongst themselves? If so, what does each have to of His or Her chosen people?

Do the gods of different nations
talk to each other?
Do the gods of Chinese cities
speak to the ancestors of the Japanese?
To the lords of Xibalba?
To Allah? Yahweh? Vishnu?
Is there some annual get-together
where they compare each other’s worshipers?
Mine will bow their faces to the floor
and trace woodgrain lines for me, says one.
Mine will sacrifice animals, says another.
Mine will kill anyone who insults me, says a third.
Here is the question I think of most often:
Are there any who can honestly boast,
My worshipers obey my good laws,
and treat each other kindly,
and live simple generous lives?

— Orson Scott Card
Children of the Mind (Tor 1997)

Not my words, but at times my question. Could any of the Gods stand before His or Her fellows and state truly the his worshipers obey His or Her laws, treat each other kindly, and live simple generous lives? Do we – their purported worshipers – not prefer to aggrandize ourselves by reason of our faiths? Do we not prefer to use our Gods as reason for pride or spite, instead of serving them?

What would the Gods say of us if they met?

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