’08 Infanticide Games
A Chinese woman, Jin Yani, who was forced to have an abortion despite being nine months pregnant is suing the authorities, specifically the Family Planning Bureau, for their actions. Jin and her husband Yang Zhongchen are suing the Family Planning Bureau in their county of Changli for $38,000 in medical expenses and $130,000 for psychological distress.
One night while her husband was away on business, a couple of weeks before her date for giving birth, Jin was dragged from her bed in the northern Chinese town of Anshan and taken to a nearby clinic, where, she says, her baby was killed by injection while still inside her.
“Several people held me down, they ripped my clothes aside and the doctor pushed a large syringe into my stomach. It was very painful. … It was all very rough.”
— Jin Yani
It’s been seven years since the Peoples’ Baby Killers pulled the murdered baby was pulled from her body with forceps, Jin remains traumatized and, the couple and a doctor say, unable to bear children. Yang and Jin have made the rounds of government offices pleading for restitution — to no avail of course. A family planning official in Changli county justified Jin’s abortion on the grounds she lacked a birth permit.
Don’t worry though, China is much more enlightened now. Zhai Zhenwu, a sociology professor at the People’s University Institute of Demographic Studies in Beijing, said that while forced, late-term abortions do still occur sporadically, they have fallen sharply. Things have improved since a propaganda campaign in 1993 to make enforcement of this law more humane. Perhaps they anesthetize the women now before ripping their murdered babies out of their wombs.
Read the Associated Press (AP) Source Article.
Tags: 2008 Olympics | Abortion | China | Crime | Forced Abortions
January 8th, 2008 at 9:41 am
This is so horrible; I don’t know what to say. Very strange: the day before yesterday I was telling a frien of mine about the Chinese abortion-squads and how they would abort even 8 months old babys. She didn’t believe me, so I let het read your piece. It is even worse.
I don’t know what to say. It makes me sick.
January 8th, 2008 at 10:44 am
Yes it is, aafke. It’s a sad and sick thing. There is a pervasive evil in China, and sooner or later the world is going to have to deal with it.
January 8th, 2008 at 4:24 pm
Blech – I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Truly deplorable.
January 8th, 2008 at 4:29 pm
Hi, Canucklehead! Sorry about that, but – vile as it is – people need to know what sort of country China really is, preferably before the world honors China by sending it’s best athletes to the 2008 Games.
January 8th, 2008 at 5:51 pm
Beyond deplorable. Truth is stranger than fiction. China is in a sickening state. Birth permits, infanticide, religious and political persecution, censorship, environmental devastation, a thriving black market for endangered animal species…and on and on. So very sad.
January 9th, 2008 at 12:06 pm
Yes it is sick, and I don’t like to read it. And there is little I can do personally, but I always find it a duty to at least know about it, not to let suffering go unnoticed, so I also red your link.
I really resent all this fawning about ”who gets the next Olympic games”, and the preparations for the games in China have also caused much suffering already. The chinese goverment never seems to care much about the people they represent, and should care for.
January 9th, 2008 at 1:56 pm
But we’ll still buy their cheap products from Wal Mart, by god!
January 9th, 2008 at 6:56 pm
I’ll tell you what, the anti-child freaks (population zero idiots) in this country, I’ll betcha, would only call this man and woman breeders, and wouldn’t give a rip that this happened to them. I would go so far as to say that they would love to see this go on right here in America!
January 10th, 2008 at 8:18 am
What or who are ”population zero idiots”?
January 11th, 2008 at 10:38 am
Population Zero or Zero Population Growth (ZPG) is a movement that started in the 1960s. They espouse the 2 or less children per couple ideal so as to bring birthrate down to deathrate. Some of them are rather extreme and offensive in their views and in the voicing of those views.
January 11th, 2008 at 11:29 am
[…] Clinton Movie banned NH vote counting in ? Infantcide Games (china) […]
January 12th, 2008 at 9:45 pm
Oh, wow, Jonolan. Catching up on your blog tonight finally – a little “light” reading, eh?
This grieves and enrages me to no end. And I agree entirely with your sentiment with regard to this story; I do wonder, though…how far away we are from going down the road that China has? What can we learn from history to avoid perpetrating the evils coming out of China that you’ve been reporting? I question because why is this a tragedy? Simply because the father and mother wanted that child and it was murdered at the hands of outside parties? Do we have the same emotional response to those who have late-term abortions? Does it change when the parents don’t want the child? Are we willing to examine ourselves simultaneously while we pass judgment on China?
Obviously…there is a deep, added grief when your child is murdered before you…but…I just wonder as I read if the story would be so horrifying if we simply read that a couple had a late-term abortion. Do this set of parents’ desires for the child make the murder any more horrific than another abortion of a child whose parents don’t want it?
January 13th, 2008 at 7:29 am
I think we’re fairly far, and moving farther, from this sort of atrocity being sanctioned in the US. We’re more likely to move in the exact opposite direction, with all the horrors which that will generate.
I think the horror of what the Chinese do is more – to me at least – caused from the involuntary nature of situation. Late-term abortions carry their own weight of sorrow and horror, but having the State require it and enforce on unwilling people raises the atrocity to a whole new level.
So, no – if I read a story about a couple voluntarily having a late-term abortion I wouldn’t be horrified and angered to the same degree or in the same manner.
January 13th, 2008 at 10:00 am
Jonolan: Thank you for explaining, it seems that everybody nowadays is extreem and violent.
To look forward to and love your baby, and then have a seringe full of poison stuck in your womb, and feel your baby die, murdered, and to have it ripped out with careless force! Ripping your body apart! It makes me physically sick!!!!! And this one woman and child is enough! to compare this to a wholly diifferent situation and say its not such a big deal makes me sick also.
Sorry I can’t be diplomatic now. I’m going to throw up now.
I am very sorry for anybody who has/had to go through a planned/arranged abortion for whatever reason.
January 13th, 2008 at 10:11 am
I think the horror of what the Chinese do is more – to me at least – caused from the involuntary nature of situation. Late-term abortions carry their own weight of sorrow and horror, but having the State require it and enforce on unwilling people raises the atrocity to a whole new level.
Oh, I agree with you, Jonolan, which I’m sure you could surmise by now; I just wanted to ask the question that if we rightly react with horror, anger, and grief over this story and the nightmare/atrocity these parents have had to go through at the hands of the State, against their will, are we just as willing to see that this emotional response is as necessary for normal abortions? My guess, in large part, is “no.”
My only point is to raise the inconsistency of thinking that this kind of story will expose. Simply the desire of a parent for a baby does not make the act any less horrific for the child itself. In fact, that a parent would choose to abort their child makes those abortions even more morally outrageous, in my mind. I’m not even beginning to unpack the arguments here…I just wanted to point out that while this is absolutely horrifying, we should be responding in the same manner to the abortions we do in our own country, and yet, in large part, we don’t. So why? Why the discrepancy?
Furthermore, I do think that if we are not careful to preserve and fight for the sanctity and dignity of human life, we do risk going down a road we do not desire – and while it seems unfathomable that we could end up with a government like China’s…I question how long it will take sliding down a slippery slope that will lead us to that kind of horror if we don’t start recognizing now where we might be headed. The minute we start making judgments about the value and worth of someone’s life, whether in the womb, whether injured on the battlefield or by accident, whether due to old age, we risk becoming the monsters the individuals, acting on behalf of the State in this story, have become.
January 13th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
welcome back, though sorry it a return to this sort of thing. Unfortunately i have a deep seated need to post about various “bad acts” that are perpetrated across he globe. Try some akvavit; I’ve found it to settle one’s stomach very well indeed.
I don’t think Christy was trying to say “its not such a big deal.” She was just questioning why we are so outraged by this heinous thing but not bothered by people voluntarily undergoing the same essential procedure. I’ll let her clarify better for herself though…
A lot of the discrepancy or disparity in reaction – though little, if any of it having to do with late-term abortions – has to do with the fact that our society is divided on when “personhood” starts. From what I can see, that is really what the abortion argument comes down to – not whether “murdering unborn babies” is OK, but whether it’s murder at all.
January 16th, 2008 at 7:34 pm
Beijing murders, the world pays no heed. Beijing gets the Games, the deluded Chinese people in America celebrate while their Christian brethren in China are persecuted for refusing to put their church under the regime’s control.
Sadly, the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda is very seductive, especially when there’s money to go along with the words.
January 16th, 2008 at 7:44 pm
Welcome, Lue-Yee! Yes, the Chinese Christians celebrate their brethren in China for the oppression they suffer, but seldom publicly denounce the actions of the Chinese government. This is a fact that has often confused me since most people waste no no time in denouncing their oppressors.
January 16th, 2008 at 8:37 pm
Stockholm syndrome and propaganda that’s backed by the promise of profit.
January 17th, 2008 at 6:55 am
Lue-Yee, how would Stockholm syndrome apply to Chinese Christians in America?
January 17th, 2008 at 8:10 am
There was talk of the Dutch delegation not going to Bejing because of the disregard for human rights in China. I was all for it. The meeting was held this morning.
I’ve just heard the results on the radio:
It was one big scam! Offcourse they’re going, Can’t let all the other countries get the golden medaillons! And, naturally; everybody is going to party in Beijing! The human-rights-thingy is a pity, but is quite a different issue.
I hope they get nothing!
January 17th, 2008 at 9:46 am
aafke, sad but not unexpected. Few nations will forgo the pleasures and prestige of the Olympics over something as “trivial” as a litany of human rights violations and ecological devastation.
I keep hoping though…
January 17th, 2008 at 2:55 pm
»Lue-Yee, how would Stockholm syndrome apply to Chinese Christians in America?«
The ones who left think China’s in great shape if they became believers after leaving China. The ones who hear them think they’re right. Then everyone gets the wacky idea that praising communist China is what the Bible calls “submitting to authority”.
January 17th, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Ahh, now I begin to understand. Thank you. Isn’t praising the PRC a key point added to all officially distributed religious texts in China?