An Unsafe Opinion

Bryan StascavageLast month Bryan Stascavage, a 30-year-old Wesleyan University (WSA) economics major and decorated veteran who served two tours as an military intelligence analyst for the US Army in Iraq penned an unsafe opinion about the Black Live Matter (#BlackLivesMatter) movement in an op-ed for his the school newspaper, The Wesleyan Argus. The previous winner of WSA’s Chadbourne Prize was shocked by the result.

His op-ed, “Why Black Lives Matter Isn’t What You Think,” wasn’t a glowing endorsement of the Blacks’ movement and, therefor, was met with a shitstorm of hate and vitriol from the Blacks and the Liberals and Progressives who pander to- and enable them.

That was, in itself, completely to be expected and it’s hard to generate any true sympathy for Mr. Stascavage who should have known what he was buying for himself by not adhering to the Left’s and their minority sharecroppers’ orthodox dogma of total submission to their doctrine.

No. What is horrific is a subset of these vermin’s response, not against Mr. Stascavage directly, but against the The Wesleyan Argus which published his opinion piece and, thereby, exposed the student body to it. The Liberals, Progressives, and their minority sharecroppers are demanding that Wesleyan University defund the Argus because of it.

A petition demanding the Wesleyan Argus lose funding unless it meets certain demands has signatures from at least 172 students, staff and recent alumni. Signatories threatened to boycott the paper because they said it fails to “provide a safe space for the voices of students of color and we are doubtful that it will in the future.”

They also demand that commitment be made by the Argus to create work study/course credit positions; a monthly report on allocation of funds and leadership structure; a required once-per-semester Social Justice/Diversity training for all student publications; active recruitment and advertisement; and open space on the front page in the publication dedicated to marginalized groups/voices, specifying that if no submissions are received, The Argus will print a section labeled “for your voice.”

This is what now passes for students in these Affirmative Action times and in the wake of what the “Civil Rights” movement has degenerated into. They demand that White voices be silenced in favor of “Social Justice” and providing Liberal, Progressive, and Minority students total freedom from any opinion or subject matter that might may them uncomfortable in some way, shape, or form by not rigorously adhering to their sensitivities.

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Crucify Them! Burn Them!

Liberals and Progressives just love to preach about the absolute need for tolerance. Yet, America’s ranting and raving domestic enemies neither show any understanding of that term or exhibit it towards those who fail to live up to every single argument of their doctrine and dogma.

Liberal "Tolerance" equals persecution of the unorthodox
Crucify Them!

Tolerance is the ability or willingness to allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with, with forbearance. What the Liberals and Progressives seek is endorsement, aid, and normalization of certain things that they have decided are protected traits. They do not seek any form of forbearance; they seek overt and explicit approval of that which normative, American society does not necessarily agree with.

Burn them at the stake for tolerance!
Burn The Heathens, Heretics, and Apostates!

And, as is to be expected, the “tolerance” of our domestic enemies does not extend to “heathens,” “heretics,” or, most especially, “apostates.” The latter bears the worst persecution but Liberals and Progressives demand that all of them profess their auto-da-fé before being nailed to the cross or burned at the stake…All in the name of fostering tolerance of course.

To borrow the catchphrase of their token, let me be clear – there is little if any difference between the Liberals and Progressives within America’s borders and ISIS, the Taliban, or Boko Haram. They may differ in exact beliefs and use somewhat different specific methods but they share a common level and extent of extremism and orthodoxy. When it comes down to it, there’s not a lot of difference between a knife, an AK-47, or an IED and paper terrorism and lawfare. In all cases it is the attempt to destroy those who beliefs are not deemed allowable.

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