Stupid Muling Bitch

Idiots acting as mules for drug dealers often end up carrying vast amounts of drugs inside their bodies, be it in their stomachs, up their asses or, in the case of the female mules, inside their vaginas. It can be more than a little disturbing for the officers or doctors doing the cavity searches. 😉

Now I'm Scared
At First I Found It Fascinating; Now I’m Just Scared.

All over the world this happens and sometimes it’s funny in a sick sort of way. Other times it’s just pathetic and disgusting.

Karin MackaliunasTake, as an example of the pathetic and disgusting, the case of stupid muling bitch, Karin Mackaliunas who crashed her car after allegedly burglarizing the Dunmore Inn in Dunmore, PA.

On March 13, 2011 the sick skank apparently had a whole dealers worth of heroin, transport bags, pharmaceuticals, and money shoved up her vagina at the time of her arrest.

Admittedly, that’s a far better use for her hole than anything that might accidentally results in Mackaliunas reproducing – again – but damn!

Who the hell robs a place and then drives like a fool with their twat stuffed full of drugs?

From The Scranton Times Tribune:

Dunmore police Officer Anthony Cali asked Scranton police Officer Nancy Baumann to detain Karin Mackaliunas, 27, 1609 Mulberry St., at the scene of a crash at the North Seventh Avenue off-ramp Sunday evening.

After her car was towed, Ms. Mackaliunas was ready to leave the scene of the crash when Officer Cali contacted Officer Baumann and asked for Ms. Mackaliunas to be detained because she was suspected of stealing items from the inn.

After searching her for weapons, Officer Baumann found three bags of heroin in Ms. Mackaliunas’ jacket.

But as the officer drove her to Scranton police headquarters to charge her for drug possession, Officer Baumann noticed Ms. Mackaliunas fidgeting in the backseat of the cruiser.

After a struggle with Officer Baumann during a more thorough search at headquarters, Ms. Mackaliunas asked to speak with Sergeant Michael Mayer and told him she had hidden more heroin in her vagina.

A search of Ms. Mackaliunas by a doctor at Community Medical Center turned up 54 bags of heroin, 31 empty bags used to package heroin, 8.5 prescription pills and $51.22.

How fucking stupid or strung out does the piece of filth have to be to rob a place and then drive like a fool, ultimately crashing their car, with their twat stuffed full of drugs?

One is forced to hope that the authorities remove her daughter Kyra from her custody immediately. Who knows who or what this, filth Mackaliunas might get paid to shove up inside one or more the little girl orifices.

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Atheists Hate This Book

The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories

The Atheists really hate this book because it scientifically approaches Intelligent Design and the statistical improbability of evolution of cellular life by random chance. This is especially true of Eugenie Scott, PZ Myers, Richard Dawkins, and their ilk, who are theologically invested in a Godless universe.

But why do these Atheists hate the work of the authors: Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L. Bradley,  Roger L. Olsen so much? They hate and despise their work, The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories, because in it these three scientists show the inherent  implausibility of life spontaneously arising from non-life. Atheists like Scott, Meyer, and Dawkins are far more comfortable attacking religions and religious beliefs than they are defending their pet theories and postulates against scientific inquiry.

This book offers an excellent scientific analysis of important data related to the theory of evolution. It is – or should be – a seminal work for the theory of intelligent design since it scientifically critiques the Atheists’ prevailing paradigmatic theories of chemical evolution. It doesn’t so much criticize Darwinism as it does criticize the very underpinning of the initial evolution of life on Earth, something that is a prerequisite for the Darwinian mechanism of evolution to happen.

The volume as a whole is devastating to a relaxed acceptance of current theories of abiogenesis. It is well written, and, though technical, much of the book is within the reach of the informed non-scientist. The book apparently has been well received by many who are working in the field of abiogenesis, such as Dean Kenyon and Robert Shapiro.

James F. Jekel
Dept. of Epidemiology & Public Health
Yale University School of Medicine

Be forewarned though; the authors are distinguished scientists holding advanced degrees in chemistry, materials science, and geochemistry and the book, while very important and quite interesting, is not an easy read by any stretch of the imagination and truly requires a firm grounding in chemistry to fully appreciate.

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RTFM, Tifl Al-Fitnah

US Soldier With FIM-92 Stinger Hamas terrorists acquired smuggled US-made FIM-92 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles from smugglers in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula in 2008 and attempted to deploy against Israel in January 2009 during Operation Cast Lead. Happily for humanity – but far less so for the vermin involved – the weapons, produced by Raytheon, were far beyond the understanding of Hamas’ savages and the results were predictably comical.

Sources within Hamas said  they had smuggled four Stinger systems in 2008 into the Gaza Strip. The sources said the Hamas terrorists deployed the Stingers against Israel Air Force AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during strike missions in the northern Gaza Strip.

Via The World Tribune:

“We were disappointed by them, and they were found to have been useless,” a Hamas source said.

The source said Hamas smuggled four Stinger systems in 2008. The source said the Hamas military deployed the Stingers against Israel Air Force AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during strike missions in the northern Gaza Strip.

“Our gunners couldn’t fire the weapon,” the source recalled. “A notice came up on the display saying ‘friendly aircraft.'”

Another Hamas source said gunners deployed Stinger along with heavy machine guns in attacks on Israeli helicopters during the war in the Gaza Strip. The source said one Stinger surface-to-air missile was launched, but the projectile veered off course and struck a Hamas gunner squad.

“The Stinger was drawn by the heat of our guns rather than the engines of the Israeli helicopters,” the source said. “At that point, we stopped using this weapon.”

You see, Raytheon Missile Systems, the manufacturer of FIM-92 Stinger, installed identification friend/foe (IFF) capabilities into the system well over a decade ago, specifically so that the Stinger could not fired at against any aircraft used by the U.S. military or its allies.

It’s a shame Hamas are all cowards who wear black bags over their heads during their villainous actions. I’d have loved it if someone could have  gotten a picture of the look on their faces when their Stingers refused to fire. 😆

Perhaps they should stick with weaponry more suited to their capabilities – like sticks, rocks, and feces – or at least read the freaking manual.

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Darwin’s Calling

Here’s a morbidly interesting and very darkly humorous video of a Hamas terrorist doing his twisted best to prove Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. The jihadi – or more properly, the Fedayeen is showing that Natural Selection as a process by which favorable inheritable traits become more common in successive generations of a population, and unfavorable inheritable traits become less common has a certain indisputable validity.

Video courtesy of Live Leak

Even if we leave the science of evolutionary biology out the equation, this wretch certainly deserves the “honor” of the Darwin Award for 2009.

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