Oh Yeah, Acquitted

Oh Yeah, President Trump Was Acquitted
Oh Yeah, President Trump Was Acquitted

Yawn. Yeah, at the beginning of the Senate voted to end the Democrats’ farcical coup attempt and acquit President Trump of both of the spurious, unfounded, and inane charges that the House Democrats put forth.

I probably should have written about this when it happened and in far greater depth, but I’m just so bored with our domestic enemies’ bullshit.

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What Is Collusion?

What Is Collusion?
What Is Collusion?

What is Collusion? All of the above was collusion and were heinous acts that have been allowed to be perpetrated with no real, concrete consequences for the offenders, all of which are still walking around alive and free within our nation’s borders. Instead, we the Dems in Congress engaged in a long-running coup attempt against the POTUS we elected, again without any signs of them facing real, concrete consequences at the righteous hands of we, the People.

And yes! This was all a concerted effort to install Hillary as the President of the United States – a hellish fate that we just managed to avoid through the efforts of the American people and the laws that govern our democracy and mitigate the threats against it.

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In All Fairness …

In All Fairness
In All Fairness, This Is Apt And True

That pretty much sums up our response to the Democrats’ coup attempt. We, the People – the true-born and rightly-raised American patriots – will never believe anything that our domestic enemies say because they lack any sort of credibility due to their insanity, hatred towards America, and rank a putrid hypocrisy.

Again though, these Democrats are thankful for-, reliant upon-, and profiteering off our our apathy, ennui, and boredom with their antics. If we weren’t, most of them and their families would most likely already be causalities of the coming war.

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OK Then But Not Now

OK Then But Not Now
OK Then But Not Now

In truth, it’s not the least bit surprising that the Democrats and the sorts that support then in their coup attempt only now, with Donald Trump as POTUS, have a problem with an American politician having a less than totally acrimonious relationship with Vladimir Putin. Since the Democrats et al will do anything to overturn the will of we, the People as expressed in the 2016 election results, it’s to be expected that they would do this.

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Contextual Law & Crime

Contextual Law & Crime
Contextual Law & Crime

Apparently, the very concept of law and crime is contextual in what passes for the minds of Democrats. But then, those sorts fully believe that the law, like anything else, means whatever they want it to mean at that moment.

But hey! These are the sorts of enemies that don’t even include “high crimes and misdemeanors” in their bullshit-tastic Article of Impeachment and who claim that they don’t need to do so. So, we all know what they’re really about – a coup, a coup that started the moment that Donald Trump became in their eyes a serious contender for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination.

Then the real context of the Democrats views on law and crime is based solely upon political party, identity politics, and overturning the legal results of the 2016 Presidential Election.

But oh how they’d scream and gnash their teeth is we, the American People applied context to law and crime, declaring that it is no crime if it is an by an American upon a Democrat or likely Democrat …

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