Obama-esque Compromise

Pelosi's Obama-esque Compromise
Pelosi’s Obama-esque Compromise

Well, even if Pelosi has never read anything else, she seems to have read and internalized Obama’s Audacity of Hope. Her attitude towards reaching any form of compromise with President Trump and thereby ending the current partial government shutdown certainly match Obama’s prescription for similar things.

Or, it could be mere coincidence. After all, Pelosi has the only reason she needs to refuse to do anything resembling responsible leadership of the House – Donald Trump was elected as POTUS.

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The Red Line

The Red Line
The Red Line

Unlike Obama Era empty rhetoric, this is a real Red Line. It has been drawn between our President, acting in the national security interests of the People and to deliver upon one of his campaign promises, and the Democrats, who will do anything to stop our President from doing anything.

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Scalise Is Sort Of Right

Scalise Is Sort Of Right
Scalise Is Sort Of Right

Yes, Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise is sort of right about the Dems’ petulant obstruction of President Trump’s desire for a wall to be built across the more at-risk areas of our nation’s southern border. Depending on how you read things, e.g., “border security,” and which Democrat-initiated measures during the Obama Regime one wants to reference, the Dems asked for anywhere between 5 and 10 times the money that President Trump has asked for to fence off that same border.

But then, border security measures and anything associated with such weren’t bad things – and certainly not racist – until Donald Trump did what was unthinking to the Dems, get elected POTUS.

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Pelosi’s Immigration Fix

Pelosi's Immigration Fix - Kill Them In Utero
Pelosi’s Immigration Fix – Kill Them In Utero

That’s Pelosi and the Dems – Not one cent for a border wall, in so long as Trump is President, but plenty to pay for foreigners to have abortions in their own countries.

I’ve got to admit that it’s a novel fix for the immigration problem America is facing. Paying for them to kill off their unborn children is really thinking outside the box and taking surprisingly long, generational even, view towards curtailing immigration.

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Build The Mutha F’in Wall!

Build The Mutha F'in Wall!
Build The Mutha F’in Wall!

It no longer really matters what it takes to do so; build the wall! We are in a national security crisis and the People want it built, despite the contrary claims by the Democrats’ Fake News Corps.

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