Al Gore’s New Clothes

Al Gore and his cult of Warmists may be in denial, but that doesn’t change the fact their day has largely ended and they are well on the way along the downward spiral of relevancy that will either leave them as footnotes in history, like the 1970s Global Cooling believers, or as something akin to PETA, a mockery and an embarrassment.

Al Gore In Denial
Al Gore & His Warmists – Exposed!

Of course, as the above image displays, Al Gore hopefully wouldn’t be the first choice by the Warmists for a PETA style AGW poster or billboard. 😉

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Copenhagen Prayer

Gary Varvel’s cartoon from the December11, 2009 issue of the Indianapolis Star provides what the Hierophant of Global Warming has failed to give his cultists, the Warmist – a prayer.

The signature prayer of Al Gore's cultists, the Warmists, at Copenhagen Climate Summit
Al Gore’s Cultists,The Warmists, Now Have A Prayer To Chant

This was really the only thing that the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) were still lacking. Al Gore’s apocalyptic cultists already have the blind faith, strict dogma, and holier-than-thou attitudes. All they were lacking was prayer.

Hellfire! They had even learned from the Catholics of bygone days and were setup to sell Indulgences in the form of Carbon Credits…. 😆

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Incontrovertible Facts

In an long and rancorous interview with Slate the Heirophant of Global Warming, Al Gore, was less than pleased to be asked about the Medieval Warm Period and the Climate Research Unit’s (CRU)  falsification of data to hide or refute its existence.

I haven’t read those e-mails in detail, but the larger point is that there are cyclical changes in the climate and they are fairly well-understood, and all of them are included in the scientific consensus. When you look at what has happened over the last few decades the natural fluctuations point in the opposite direction of what has actually occurred. When they run the models and plug in the man-made pollution, the correspondence is exact. Beyond that, the scale of natural fluctuations has now been far exceeded by the impact of man-made global warming.

And again, we’re putting 90 million tons of it into the air today and we’ll put a little more of that up there tomorrow. The physical relationship between CO2 molecules and the atmosphere and the trapping of heat is as well-established as gravity, for God’s sakes. It’s not some mystery. One hundred and fifty years ago this year, John Tyndall discovered CO2 traps heat, and that was the same year the first oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania. The oil industry has outpaced the building of a public consensus of the implications of climate science.

But the basic facts are incontrovertible. What do they think happens when we put 90 million tons up there every day? Is there some magic wand they can wave on it and presto!—physics is overturned and carbon dioxide doesn’t trap heat anymore? And when we see all these things happening on the Earth itself, what in the hell do they think is causing it? The scientists have long held that the evidence in their considered word is “unequivocal,” which has been endorsed by every national academy of science in every major country in the entire world.

— Al Gore
Slate interview, December 8, 2009

Mr. Gore does have one thing right – the basic facts are incontrovertible. Sadly for him and his cultists, however, those incontrovertible facts do not support his wild claims.

The fact in question is that there is conflicting evidence on the effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas. While nobody with any grounding in science would dispute John Tyndall’s basic findings, the levels of CO2 necessary to cause Global Warming are still quite in doubt due to the paleo record.

The Ordovician Ice Age

The Ordovician ice age happened 450 million years ago, and lasted a “mere” 300 – 500 thousand years (0.3 – 0.5 million years) but was apparent very bitter. It is generally credited with causing the Ordovician–Silurian extinction event, the third largest of the five major extinction events in Earth’s history in terms of percentage of genera that died off and second largest in the overall loss of life.

Yet, according to Al Gore and his cultists, the Warmists, the Ordovician ice age and resulting mass extinction should not have happened since it was “scientifically impossible.” This is because during the Late Ordovician period, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are believed to have been 8 – 20 times (3120 – 7800 ppm) what we have now (390 ppm). Yet, for some reason or reasons,  the Earth went into a devastating ice age.

To this date scientists have not even a beginning of a consensus as to how the Ordovician ice age happened or what caused it.

What In The Hell Do They Think Is Causing It?

Mr. Gore demands to know, “what in the hell do they think is causing it?”

The answer is of course – assuming that we should in the light of the shoddy work, fraud, and academic corruption even begin to trust the data saying that it is happening in the first place – that we don’t know and neither do you and your cultists!

Maybe someone should try to objectively find out instead of taking actions based upon agenda-driven fraud and blind faith.

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Climategate Office

Did you ever wonder if Al Gore’s cultists, the Warmists at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) used Microsoft Office when they were “cooking” the books on Global Warming? If they were, it might of looked like this:

Clippy from Microsoft Office offers to help the Warmists at the CRU defraud humanity
It Looks Like You’re trying To Generate a “Hockey Stick” Graph.
Would You Like Me To…

That’s old Clippy for you – so helpful and yet so completely and absolutely amoral. The little guy never did care what you were trying to do; he’d help, as best he could, no matter what. 😉

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Warmists In Denial

The world is now several weeks into the scandal of Climategate and the Warmists are in denial.  As a whole their response to a currently unknown hacker breaching the security of Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) and leaking over a thousand emails and other documents has been to not respond. The Warmists have done their best to completely ignore this scandal and continue to maintain that “the debate is over.”

The cultists of Al Gore’s pseudo-religion, Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), desperately want this scandal to be dismissed and forgotten.

Sadly for them, the leaked material comprised more than 1000 e-mails, 2000 documents, as well as the commented FORTRAN source code for modeling and data analysis, pertaining to Global Warming or Climate Change research from 1996 to 2009.  Much of it was very detrimental to both their credibility and their faith.

For the purposes of disseminating raw data for independent review I have provided the zipped contents (63.4Mb) of the compromised CRU server here.  Form your own opinion!

Possibly worse for them, those emails included discussions of how best to combat the arguments of climate change skeptics, defamatory comments about those skeptics, various queries from journalists, drafts of scientific papers, apparently successful attempts to keep scientists who have contrary views out of peer-review literature, and talk of destroying various files in order to prevent raw, unmodified data being revealed under the Freedom of Information Act.


Carol Browner - Obama's "Climate Czar" and Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy. She's a devout Warmist and is deep in denialPresident Obama’s “Climate Czar,” the Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy, Carol Browner, was especially fervent in her denial of the issues uncovered by Climategate. Irrespective of whatever evidence of shoddy work and outright  malfeasance has come to light, she’s holding firm to the Warmists’ dogma and dismissing any complaints as irrelevant and from some “fringe” of society.

She’s either a True Believer in the Cult of Global Warming, or she just wants to keep her job, which is predicated on the Warmists’ doctrine, and remain somehow relevant.

There has been for a very long time a very small group of people who continue to say this isn’t a real problem, that we don’t need to do anything. On the other hand, we have 2,500 of the word’s foremost scientists who are in absolute agreement that this is a real problem and that we need to do something and we need to do something as soon as possible.

What am I going to do, side with the couple of naysayers out there or the 2,500 scientists? I’m sticking with the 2,500 scientists.I mean, these people have been studying this issue for a very, very long time, and agree that the problem is real.

— Carol Browner
November 25, 2009, Press Gaggle

A very small group of people who continue to say this isn’t a real problem? A couple of naysayers? Carol Browner obviously has as little grasp of math as she apparently does of any other hard sciences. The Pew Research Center’s most recent survey concerning Global Warming showed that only 57% of Americans believed that there is solid evidence that the Earth is warming at all and only 36% believed that such warming was anthropogenic in origin.

Since there are approximately 305 million people in the US, that means that around 131 million of them don’t believe that there is solid evidence to support the theory of Global Warming and around 195 million of them, while believing that there is evidence to support the theory of Global Warming, don’t think that the evidence solidly supports the claim that it is primarily a human caused situation.

Nobody in anything remotely close to their right mind would honestly try to describe between 100 – 200 million people as “a very small group” or “a couple of naysayers.” Of course this isn’t about honesty; it’s about denying that her raison d’être – and her raison d’être employé – isn’t being accepted as much as she needs it to be and that it just got exposed, once again, as being based on poor data, substandard modeling, slipshod analysis, and an agenda-driven “group think” that actively silenced contrary opinions and theories.


There’s a certain schadenfreude to be derived from watching the Warmists, who disparagingly label any dissenters or skeptics as “Deniers,” running around in denial themselves. Indeed, the delectatio morosa that one can derive from the Warmists’ childish reaction to the discomfiture that Climategate has caused them is positively sinful.

They can deny the problem all that they want to. They can dismiss the scandal and the flaws and malfeasance it uncovered and forced into the public eye all that they want to. Doing so doesn’t change the fact that there is still debate about Global Warming, both its very existence and its possible causes, and that Climategate dramatically hurt their position.

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