Privileged Underboobs
It seems like a perfectly good day to post about White, i.e., “privileged” underboobs. After all, I’d previously posted about Underboobs of Color and Good, i.e., Asian Underboobs, so it seemed only fair to add in the White babes’ breasts as well. Despite this being seen as inherently racist and a slap in the face to the #BlackNipplesMatter movement, it is my firmly held belief that all who abide by the proper definition of racism would admit that showcasing White underboobs is required for equal treatment.
In truth, even by the modern, self-serving mis-definition of racism, one without a sociopolitical axe to grind and some affection for the truth has to concede that the power of underboobs is shared equally among the races and, hence, there’s no White Privilege attached to them that must be checked to appease the SJWs.
Tags: America | Babes | Humor | Privilege | Race Baiting | Racism | Sexy | Society | Underboobs | White Privilege | Whites | Women