Meanwhile, In Chicago

Meanwhile, In Chicago
Meanwhile, In Chicago

Meanwhile, in fully and wholly Democrat-controlled Chicago, Shaka Zulu Lori Lightfoot is continuing to show concern over COVID-19. Presumably, she wants to make sure everyone wears their masks and maintains proper social distancing while murdering each other.

An interesting, if rather unsurprising, position for the mayor of a city where one of the most common causes of death, especially among her particular constituents, is a Black Male.

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Woke In The Streets

Lightfoot - Woke In The Streets, Oppressed In The Sheets?
Lightfoot – Woke In The Streets, Oppressed In The Sheets?

Yep! Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot is literally the most extreme and shameless racist and anti-American activist in the American political sphere. But she goes home to a White woman’s pussy! Hence, she’s woke in the streets and oppressed in the sheets. ROFLMAO!

Now, to be fair, this is entirely based upon suppositions for which none of us have any evidence in support thereof. None of us have any clue what, if any, Womandingo – or is it Mandyko – games these two get up to in bed or in their relationship in general.

But, in an expression of equality of fairness, we all “know” that dating, marrying, or even having children with people of a different race doesn’t mean that you’re not a racist. Indeed, in the case of Blacks, being involved with a White is racist itself.

Still though, Lightfoot having “gone White” is funny, ironic, and typical of her sort of Negro.

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