A Failure Of Care

The ironically – or Orwellian – name Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obama is and was from its inception a failure- a fail of care and a failure on the part of Democrats to care about the consequences of their actions. Hellfire and their damnation! It was a failure on their part to even read the omnibus bill before forcing it into law and upon the American people.

No, It needs the scrapyard
It Just Needs A Few Minor Tune-Ups

This failure resulted in a new “healthcare system” that was broken, that needed more than minor fixes to work even so well as what America had before – despite all of Obama’s tap-dancing and the Congressional Democrats’ dissembling. ObamaCare needed to be sent to the proverbial scrapyard and, in theory, replaced with something that could actually work in America.

Over the course of the intervening seven painful years, it seemed that Congressional Republicans understood this.

Failure Of CareThere! Better Than New

Sadly for we, the People, seeming isn’t being. What the GOP seems to think are fixes for ObamaCare are, in my opinion, merely a hodgepodge of removals of various components and restrictions within the ACA with – once again – a failure to care about the consequences of their actions. No, instead of the promised “Repeal and Replace,” the American Health Care Act (AHCA) aka RyanCare is little more than a shade tree patch job of ObamaCare and a bad one at that.

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Got It! Now What?

Got It! Now What?
Got It! Now What?

With incoming President Trump, the House having maintained it GOP majority 247:194, and the Senate being 52:48 weighted towards the Republicans the long chase to repeal the dysfunctional morass that is ObamaCare is over. We won and our Republican Representatives and Senators have taken the first steps towards repealing the ACA. But now what? In the last year Congress has moved beyond a blind call to repeal it to a somewhat more pragmatic drive to repeal and replace the ACA aka ObamaCare with something more in keeping with American culture and ideals, more sustainable moving forward, and less more in touch with the realities on the ground. But what will that look like and have any members of Congress actually put the work in to figure it out?

In some ways and in a very real sense victory is the greatest threat to success and any and all attempts to repeal and replace ObamaCare, especially when simultaneously dealing with the Lamestream Enemedia, are exemplars of this. Now that there is no real reason not to do so, Congress and, to a lesser extent, President Trump are going to actually have to do what they swore to do…and do it in a way that we, the People can support or, at least tolerate…and do it under the scrutiny and in the face of “journalists” who will do anything and say anything to spin such actions in the most negative light possible.

Frankly, I don’t envy them in the slightest. I do, however, hope but am not certain of their having been confident enough in the rebirth, renewal, and restoration of America that they actual believed they’d be in this position and that their calls for repealing – and now replacing – ObamaCare were somewhat more than a mindless chant to gain votes.

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A Second Opinion

Yeah, Cracka! You're a racist Nazi
ObamaCare – A 2nd Opinion

Yeah, that would aptly sum up and showcase Obama’s opinion of any White who questioned ObamaCare or its effects upon their health, healthcare, or expected future health outcomes.

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Works For Who Exactly?

But just who is it working for?
ObamaCare Is Works For Who Exactly?

Obama periodically likes to claim that the ACA aka ObamaCare is working. My question, given its near universal unpopularity as a whole, constant “issues,” and the plethora of special exemptions from- and delays in its various, convoluted provisions and edicts, is just who is it working for.

Perhaps the boy, whenever he says that ObamaCare is working, means for the thousands of new IRS agents it called for. They’re the only ones that seem to be benefiting from it.

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The ObamaCare Formulary

ObamaCare Formulary
The ObamaCare Formulary

As Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economics professor, who aided the Obama Regime in crafting the “Affordable” Care ACT (ACA) aka ObamaCare, has said, the stupidity of the American Voter was the basis for getting the omnibus bill passed.

This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the ‘stupidity of the American voter’ or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.

— Jonathan Gruber

But then, the active ingredient of ObamaCare’s entirely formulary has always been stupidity. Of course, one could just as easily say that Obama’s entire existence, since Dunham spread her legs for a Kenyan Lothario who rutted Obama into her, was due to a regimen of daily doses of stupidity. 😉

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