They Deserve It

I admit that I’m suffering from a bit of Schadenfreude Listen or, for my fellow linguists out there: epicaricacy or delectatio morosa. I just can’t help sniggering at the Leftists who voted for Obama in 2012, knowing that his platform was based upon reaving even more wealth from the productive, being horrified and chagrined when they see their now reduced paychecks or read the new tax codes.

<Obama Slut Learns Obamanomics vs. Capitalism
Got Capitalism? Not Quite So Much Anymore, Filth

The Liberals’ and Progressives’ pain is self-induced and it brings me great joy. They deserve it and a great deal more misery for their beliefs, choices, and actions. The only two thing that I wish and that would give me greater joy is if I could increase their pain while exempting Americans from it.

Sadly, while the Liberals and Progressives deserve the pain that they’re not suffering, American don’t but are subject to it as well.

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2 Responses to “They Deserve It”

  1. Ceefour Says:

    Sniggering??????? Oh my……something sounds racist there. And never order a drink by the jigger….its jigro….

  2. jonolan Says:

    šŸ˜† Everything and anything is racist if a White says it.

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