Why Dems Support Trans

Why Dems Support Trans
Why Dems Support Trans

That, by and large, perfectly and heartlessly defines why the Democrat party and its many operatives in schools, the bureaucracy, and their media support transsexualism, especially transwomen. You simply can’t be a man and be a Democrat. At best, you can be a self-loathing pseudo-male which does its best to commit self-harm through sociopolitical action. 😉

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Sequential Hermaphroditism

Sequential Hermaphroditism
Sequential Hermaphroditism In Liberal Males

Hilarious… but also all to close to observable fact in these degenerate times. Boys growing up today seem to be being forced to, to some extent and in at least some ways, turning into girls as they grow up. It brings a whole new meaning to both Sequential Hermaphroditism and child abuse.

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