Oh Yeah, Acquitted

Oh Yeah, President Trump Was Acquitted
Oh Yeah, President Trump Was Acquitted

Yawn. Yeah, at the beginning of the Senate voted to end the Democrats’ farcical coup attempt and acquit President Trump of both of the spurious, unfounded, and inane charges that the House Democrats put forth.

I probably should have written about this when it happened and in far greater depth, but I’m just so bored with our domestic enemies’ bullshit.

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Justice Kavanaugh

Justice Kavanaugh
Justice Kavanaugh!

Yes! This piece of the Dems’ shithole freakshow is over.  On Saturday, October 6, 2018 the Senate Republicans finally ended the Left’s passion play and confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the 114th Supreme Court Justice, thereby providing many decades during which the proper place of the Constitution can and will be restored.

The Senate Dems led their slavering horde of Feminazis and insane Millennial Snowflakes onto the tracks – or were goaded onto them by that rabid mob – but failed to derail the train coming down those tracks. Not, mind you, that they ever could have stopped Kavanaugh’s confirmation irrespective of how vicious, mendacious, and low their tactics were. The Kavanaugh train was always going to pull into the station and what delay in this our domestic enemies caused was only through the charity showed them by Senate Republicans.

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Dems’ Due Process

Dems' Due Process - Innocent Until Proven Conservative
Dems’ Due Process

The above image utterly sums up the Dems’ definitions of due process, fairness, and appropriate senatorial behavior. In what passes for their minds, Brett Kavanaugh – or anyone our President nominated – would only be considered innocent of any allegations, no matter how spurious, if he were proven to be not guilty of being conservative.

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The Dems’ Drive-By

The Dems' Drive-by attack on Kavanaugh, President Trump, and the American People
Kavanaugh – The Dems’ Drive-By

Frankly, the Dems’ attack upon Brett Kavanaugh looks a lot like any other drive-by shooting perpetrated by the average resident of many, if not all, Democrat-controlled precincts. In this at least, they do actually represent those who would be their likely voters and constituencies.

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The Kavanaugh Situation

The Kavanaugh Situation
The Kavanaugh Situation Is Quite Familiar

Yes, sadly, the Kavanaugh situation is quite familiar. Americans have seen it and heard it from Crystal Mangum, Tawana Brawley, Anita Hill, and a plethora of other womyn who’ve made unsupported, normally false, accusations of “sexual misconduct” against men for the sake of either personal gain or the furtherance of some Liberal agenda item. This Christine Ford womyn is just the latest to-date in a long line grifters who cry “Rape” for motives of profit and destroying an enemy.

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