Shades Of Gorbachev

Obama As GorbachevOne piece of good news for America is that there is more and more evidence that there is little or nothing but bad news for the Liberals and their party of choice, the Democrats. Their days as a political force in our country are coming to a close.

This has happened because Obama, Pelosi, and Reid – and/or their handlers – gambled – in fact the went “all in” – on a big push for Statist measures and a neo-Socialist agenda and they lost, lost big.

All that they achieved was near-beggaring the nation, causing a Hooverian extension and worsening of the economic malaise, and waking up the American people, who then chose to take back their country and its government.

This week’s fight over raising the federal debt limit exposes a key weakness in the warfare-welfare state that has bestowed power onto the Democratic Party: Without an ever-growing share of the economy, it dies. Every vital element of the Democrats’ coalition — unions, government workers, government contractors, “entitlement” consumers — requires constant increases in payments, grants and consulting contracts. Without those payments, they don’t sign checks to re-elect Democrats.

Like it or not, Obama is not the new FDR, but the new Gorbachev: a man forced to preside over the demise of a political system he desperately wants to save.

Democrat champions in the punditocracy confidently predict that the future of the world’s oldest political party is bright. But in fact, the coalition that is the modern Democratic Party is doomed. Every pillar upholding its heavy roof is crumbling.

That’s the problem with going “all in” when you’re bluffing and have nothing to back it up. When you’re called, you lose it all. That’s what has happened to the leftists and their pet politicians.

Obama is now truly much like Gorbachev was then. His mouthings are just the rhetorical floundering of a lost and bewildered politician trying to be heard over the roar of lost faith in a failed model of government. Obama, figurehead, scapegoat, judas goat, or whatever for the Liberals and their Democrats, just cannot be heard anymore – and Pelosi and Reid aren’t even speaking at all.

Thanks to the stupidity of Obama, Pelosi and Reid they even lost the terms of the arguments. Under the new rules of engagement the arguments are now solely voiced in conservative American terms. Liberal and Progressive catch-phrases, terms, and dog-whistles have been cast onto the trash heaps of history.

Even if Obama is granted a second term as POTUS it won’t matter that much. Indeed, perhaps it’s fitting the America’s First Black President be the one who presides over the dissolution of Liberal and Progressive ideology as a political force in America.

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They Ask, They Tell

Jackass BrayingThey ask; they tell. In the case of the Liberals who have debased the Democratic party, they ask for everything and tell lies when balked by Americans.

Their latest bit of perfidy is their whining that the Senate Republicans blocked the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT).

Such mouthings may play well with  their base, but fall far short of reality or American credulity.

These domestic enemies are not utterly without intelligence and cunning, however. They, following the “shining” example of what passes for President Obama’s rhetoric, lie through omission and by spewing half-truths and ambiguous statements rather than by outright lies.

Yes, it is true that a bill that included a repeal of DADT as a rider failed to come to a vote in the US Senate due to 39 Republican and 1 Democrat Senators blocking it via filibuster. Senator Reid’s vote  for cloture ended up 57 to 40 with 3 abstaining (2 GOP, 1 Dem).

What is patently false, and a stupid lie by the Liberals trying to still rule Congress, is that the bill in question was a bill to repeal DADT or that the GOP blocked it on the grounds of being such a bill. It was, in truth, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (S. 3454), something very important to the nation and the Republican Senators representing it.

The GOP, with one Dem supporter, filibustered the bill because the Senate Democrats, led by the ever arrogant and delusional Reid, tried to keep the Republicans from having any input into the bill and to prevent any debate upon its content where C-SPAN and the nation could see it.

Sens. Brown and Murkowski had previously said they supported repeal of DADT but demanded an “open amendment process” to ensure Republicans can make changes to the defense bill. Reid, in turn, offered Collins 15 amendments — 10 for Republicans and five for Democrats — but she countered with a request for four days of floor debate.

So the truth, despite the lies and misinformation spewing out of the mouths of America’s domestic enemies, is that Senator Reid and his cronies used the LGBT community in an attempt to ramrod a unbalanced and non-transparent national defense appropriation bill through the Senate and the Republicans refused to bullied by them.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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Setting Priorities

The American EagleThe remains of the Liberals in the US Senate have been given notice by Republican Senators that setting priorities is essential during this lame duck session and have instructed them in what those priorities must be.

With 42 Republican Senators, the GOP has the power to set the Senate’s priorities by refusing to allow cloture on other legislation.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) put forth the marching order in a succinct letter to Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-NV):

Dear Leader Reid,

The nation’s unemployment level, stuck near 10 percent, is unacceptable to Americans.  Senate Republicans have been urging Congress to make private-sector job creation a priority all year. President Obama in his first speech after the November election said “we owe” it to the American people to “focus on those issues that affect their jobs.”  He went on to say that Americans “want jobs to come back faster.”  Our constituents have repeatedly asked us to focus on creating an environment for private-sector job growth; it is time that our constituents’ priorities become the Senate’s priorities.

For that reason, we write to inform you that we will not agree to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to any legislative item until the Senate has acted to fund the government and we have prevented the tax increase that is currently awaiting all American taxpayers. With little time left in this Congressional session, legislative scheduling should be focused on these critical priorities.  While there are other items that might ultimately be worthy of the Senate’s attention, we cannot agree to prioritize any matters above the critical issues of funding the government and preventing a job-killing tax hike.

Given our struggling economy, preventing the tax increase and providing economic certainty should be our top priority.  Without Congressional action by December 31, all American taxpayers will be hit by an increase in their individual income-tax rates and investment income through the capital gains and dividend rates.  If Congress were to adopt the President’s tax proposal to prevent the tax increase for only some Americans, small businesses would be targeted with a job-killing tax increase at the worst possible time.  Specifically, more than 750,000 small businesses will see a tax increase, which will affect 50 percent of small-business income and nearly 25 percent of the entire workforce.  The death tax rate will also climb from zero percent to 55 percent, which makes it the top concern for America’s small businesses.  Republicans and Democrats agree that small businesses create most new jobs, so we ought to be able to agree that raising taxes on small businesses is the wrong remedy in this economy.  Finally, Congress still needs to act on the “tax extenders” and the alternative minimum tax “patch,” all of which expired on December 31, 2009.

We look forward to continuing to work with you in a constructive manner to keep the government operating and provide the nation’s small businesses with economic certainty that the job-killing tax hike will be prevented.

Liberals, Progressive and other domestic enemies of America are, quite naturally, outraged by this. There’s a lot of special interest, entitlement, and government expansion legislation that they want passed before next – far less friendly to their ilk – session of Congress starts. Completing a series of federal budgets and working on improving private-sector job growth aren’t their priorities.

I also get a kick out of how these Liberals are so careful to only quote a slightly redacted version of the second paragraph of the letter, carefully avoiding it full context.

Senator Reid’s supposed response to the letter sent to him by the GOP was typical of this attitude and included an unhealthy dollop of Reid’s infamous arrogance.

My Republican colleagues…know that the true effect of this letter is to prevent the Senate from acting on many important issues that have bipartisan support. With this letter, they have simply put in writing the political strategy that the Republicans pursued this entire Congress: Namely, obstruct, delay action on critical matters, and then blame the Democrats for not addressing the needs of American people. Very cynical, but very obvious. Very transparent.

Employment is the critical matter for the American people. Not having the federal government “shut down” on Friday, December 3, 2010 is a critical matter to a lot of Americans – especially the core constituency of the Democrats, those long ago made dependent upon government largess for their survival.

As Sen. McConnell’s letter accurately states, in the wake of America’s decision in the 2010 elections even President Obama has finally realized that finding ways to improve private-sector employment – or, at a bare minimum, not enacting legislation that will harm the job market – is something that our government owes to the American people. How the Left can delude themselves into believing that GOP actually abiding by the POTUS’ declaration, and even crediting him for it, is obstructionism or delaying is beyond me.

It seems simple to me. Deadlines determine priorities. The deadline for the budgets are this coming Friday and the deadline for Bush Tax Cuts is December 31. Obviously to any rational person that would make those the top two priorities at this juncture in time.

There’s One Caveat

Letters such as what McConnell sent to Reid are nigh on always couched in strong and partisan rhetoric. That doesn’t normally mean all that much such certain levels of compromise can normally be reached behind closed doors where they’ll do less political harm to the bargainers, and that should be essentially what happens this time, especially in regards to the Bush Era Tax Cuts.

It makes sense to me to extend all of these tax cuts through 2012 because it’s just plain stupid to raise taxes during a recession and expect it not to hurt employment. Similarly, it makes no sense to me to make the tax cuts for the highest personal income brackets permanent and expect to reduce the deficit.

Please remember that it was not intended in either 2001 or 2003 for these tax cuts to be permanent. Such was not the stated intent of either those Congresses when they wrote them or President George W. Bush when he signed them into law.

If Sen. McConnell and the Senate Republicans are going to demand that all the tax cuts be made permanent then, for what little it’s worth, I can’t support them in their desires.

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A Tattered Cloth

Obama Gump - Stupid Is As Stupid DoesRemember Obama’s and his Liberal coterie’s “signature” achievement, ObamaCare? You know, the one that they ran away from in droves during the 2010 elections, the one that Americans rejected categorically, utterly, and vocally. As expected, it was born a failure and has been shown to be woven of a tattered cloth made up of lies and special “exemptions” for Liberal-favored organizations.

Obama, Pelosi, and Reid crafted an abomination in their attempt at a Reconstruction of the American health insurance industry and a quasi-nationalization of 1/6 of America’s economy and imposed by unconstitutional and treasonous means upon we, the People of the United States of America – and it has already failed.

Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services, led by the infanticidal maniac, Kathleen Sebelius, has already issued 111 waivers or exemptions, representing over 1,175,000 policyholders, just from the restrictions on the imposition of annual limits on the dollar value of health benefits.

If they hadn’t issued these exemptions those 1,175,000 currently issued, if by some standards under-insured, people – mostly lower income and minorities who make up the Democrats’ voting base – would have lost their coverage completely.

In the words of Winston Groom’s and Eric Roth’s character, Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Those words aptly and succinctly sum up Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their anti-American cabal of Liberals who are so hell-bent on destroying the intrinsic fabric of America that they can’t even be bothered to read to legislative vehicle which they sought to use to do so.

Obama - Open Wider Or It's Going Up Your Ass

In some ways it’s to America’s benefit that our domestic enemies are this stupid, but such gross stupidity by those in some form of power has the real capacity of causing dire harm to the men, women, and children of our nation in failure as well as in success.

We Americans must do what we can to ensure that our politicians are stringently forced to adhere to their commitment to repeal what parts of ObamaCare that can be repeal and to defund the remaining portions of this abomination.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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It’s Not About Victory

The Gadsen Flag - Don't Tread On MeThe 2010 Mid-Term Elections are over and the results were loud and clear with the Republican party gained 60 seats in the US House of Representatives, 6 seats in the US Senate, 8 Governorships, and somewhere around 500 seats at the State level across America.

But these election results are not about victory; they’re about defeat and who was defeated.

This was a defeat and repudiation of the agenda set forth by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid; it was not necessarily an endorsement, ringing or otherwise, of the GOP and it would be best for these new Representative and Senators, and the Republican party leadership to never forget that simple but profound fact.

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