Many Have Asked

What is the nature of reality? It’s a question that many have asked and that many, many more have thought to answer.

If Obama gave a speech in a forest and there was no-one to hear him would he still lie
Would He Still Lie?

The Bishop of Cloyne, George Berkeley asked this, as did William Fossett. So too did Albert Einstein, Charles Riborg Mann, and George Ransom Twiss. Indeed, throughout the modern age the question has been posed in publications as diverse as The Chautauquan and Scientific American.

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The Coexistence Fantasy

There is, and has been, this ongoing fantasy about the various and disparate religions and ideologies coexisting in peace and, presumably, mutual respect.

Can't We Just Coexist in Peace?
Can’t We Just Coexist in Peace?

Unfortunately, like all fantasies, at some point – for those, at least, who aren’t utterly insane and lost in delusion – the waking world and reality intrudes upon the fantasy.

Coexist? - Run Away
Infidels! I Will Kill You!

That’s the problem. Islam, the religion of war, terrorism, and sundry abuses of the soul doesn’t want to coexist. It wants to conquer and supplant all other religions, philosophies, ideologies, and political system. It’s cultists do not, and cannot while still being Muslims, work or play well with others.

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