Those Aren’t For You!

Upraised Fist - Symbol of PowerPlease understand that when it comes to “Civil Rights” or, as the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants more and more want to call them, “Civil Liberties,” all Americans must remember that, if your White, Christian, and/or Heterosexual – i.e., part of what is the norm – those aren’t for you. “Civil Rights” weren’t created, developed, and promulgated for your protection; they are solely meant for the benefit of minorities, more often than not at your expense. They are a sword aimed you, not a shield for your protection.

The lone exception to this is that, going by the slant of media coverage and the prevalence and results of lawsuits of federal investigations, “Civil Rights” are a sword in the hands of any womyn who chooses to attack a Straight, White man with it. Whether or not this is also true of attacks against non-White and/or Queer males is unknown but doubtful.

This means that supporting “Civil Rights” is directly contrary to the interests of the normal or normative American. That being the case, whether or not any individual still decides to support “Civil Rights” is a matter of moral choice – charity is, after all, always contrary to one’s self interests yet is a good act.

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Liberal Obsessions

Journalist, writer, and pundit Joseph Sobran, while rightfully disdained as an Anti-Semite, spoke wisely when he wrote about what Liberalism has degenerated to.

Liberalism has come to stand for an obsession with the abnormal for its own sake—the minority, the dissident, the outsider, the deviant, and so on. One detects an actual preference for the Soviet Union in clashes between Soviet and American interests—and not because the Soviet Union is idealized, but because America is to be attacked on any pretext. The old liberal universalism has decayed into a generic anti-patriotism whose targets include just about anything traditionally central in the West: religion, family, country.

The liberal finds something to say on behalf of Communism, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, or anything else irritating to a healthy sense of morality, as if the enlightened position could always be found at the opposite pole from normal instinct.

— Joseph Sobran
“Pensées: Notes for the Reactionary of Tomorrow”
National Review (December 31, 1985)

And, just as Sobran was right then, his words are at least as true today. Liberals display a morbid habit of always sacrificing the normal to the abnormal. It’s a pathology born out of the derangement of Oikophobia.

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