Mueller After A Year

Mueller After A Year
Mueller After A Year – Still Fishing, Still Flailing

Aside from bitterness, hate, and a desire to seek revenge for his longtime confederate, Comey, this is the only answer that makes sense at this point. Mueller, a member of the Deep State, just wants to “correct” for a political liberation that threatens to disrupt the government’s status quo.

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That Dog Won’t Hunt

That Dog Won't HuntThat Dog Won’t Hunt

Yep! The Dems’ snipe hunt for something, anything, that could possibly be considered as evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia isn’t working out well.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that Mueller won’t be tendering charges, manufactured or not, against people – not, of course, the Clintons – since he has to show his masters that he deserves the authority granted him.

Yessiree! That dog won’t hunt, but it sure as shooting seems eager to suck eggs. 😛

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