Forgotten COVID Deaths

Forgotten COVID Deaths
Forgotten COVID Deaths

Yeah really! We heard and, to a lesser extent, still hear how COVID-19 in all its myriad variants has killed so many men and women since it was released from China. But what about all the other genders the #Woke Liberals, Progressives, and other likely Democrat freaks, perverts, and mentally ill sorts tell us we’re surrounded by? How many of them succumbed to the Coronavirus?

You would think that, with how their sort so stridently proclaims both the existence of non-biologically based genders and how everything and anything about America is bigoted, transphobic, and inherently designed to disproportionately disadvantage the “non-binaries,” we’d be inundated with outraged complaints about how many non-Men and non-Women COVID-19 has killed.

What? Are coronaviruses transphobic?!? 😆

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