Fair Trade Fail
We’ve all seen the recent crop of up-scale Liberals with their demands for “Fair Trade,” “Organic,” and “Reduced Cruelty” products. Mostly they’re coastal elites with plenty of wealth and enough time on their hands to crowd up the Starbucks and Whole Foods of the country.
While their smug moral superiority mixed with strident calls for all of us to be forced into their choices can be more than a little annoying, I can’t really fault the ethical stance of their personal shopping choices. In fact, I’ve made many of the same ones myself.
The Liberals’ Fair Trade Failure – Their Ethics Go Up In Smoke
It’s rather ironic though that all these Liberal “hipsters'” ethical consumerism goes up in smoke as it were when it comes to toking up. 😉
But hey, I suppose that they have to draw the line somewhere…
With a grateful H/T to In2theFray for the image.
Tags: Crime | Drug Culture | Drugs | Ethics & Morality | Hipsters | Humor | Irony | Liberals | Mexico | Organized Crime | Society
April 9th, 2010 at 12:45 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jonolan. jonolan said: New Post – Fair Trade Fail – http://tinyurl.com/y7h68ks […]
April 9th, 2010 at 1:31 pm
Fair Trade Fail…
Another gem from Jonolan at Reflections from a Murky Pond, who points out that hipsters and liberals who go out of their way to purchase fair trade goods don’t seem to mind importing their drugs from Mexican warlords who terrorize, kidnap, and ki…
April 10th, 2010 at 7:44 pm
Technically, this isn’t quite as accurate as you may think. The majority of those that smoke that are of decent income generally smoke that which is either grown relatively locally, other US locations or of Canadian origin. That which comes from Mexico is generally of the lowest end. While this isn’t a rule, high end from Mexico is an exception.
April 10th, 2010 at 7:51 pm
I would like to add, however, that the entire Organic, Natural, non GM bullshit that is going around is quite pathetic. By fighting GM foods, and expecting the world to go ‘organic’, they are giving the majority of the world yet another reason to hate Americans (Westerners) …
Almost 20% of the world is undernourished, with a good portion of them starving. By insisting on lower yield crops so that they are ‘healthier’, they are in fact killing thousands of people a day … slight over exaggeration, but you get the idea. Not to mention, more studies show that GM is better for you than not.
April 11th, 2010 at 6:20 am
Well I wouldn’t know the relative quality of Mexican pot, not being a pot-head – and living on the East Coast where, I would guess, other imports would be more common. 😉
I completely agree with you about the various oh-so-privileged food crazes amongst the Liberals though. They are the sort of thing that truly points out just how blind the Left is to their trappings of wealth – though they’re quick to complain about anyone else’s.