Open Borders Over There!

Open Borders Over There!
Open Borders Over There!
Not In My Back Yard!

Not to call out the Elite Leftist, Barbra Streisand in particular, but the above meme does perfectly sum up the actual attitudes and actions of the ever-so-progressive, elite Open Borders crowd. They vicious attack any efforts at securing America’s borders, villainize and dehumanize any American who disagrees with them, but wring their hands, clutch their pearls, and cry out in shrill voices whenever those illegal immigrants show up anywhere near where they live their comfortable, wealthy lives. NIMBY indeed!

I’ve got to give it to Streisand and her ilk though. Even when they are forced to experience the nightmare which is the flood of illegal aliens, they don’t change their tune. They still shrilly and stridently demand that we keep our border open and accept any and all of these “refugees.” Most of them don’t even complain too much or too loudly about Biden and Co. importing these invaders to various cities in the US. They don’t, after all, for the most part in those cities.

On the other hand, oh do they gripe and bitch when any Governor of one of our border states sends the illegals overwhelming their resources their way. These celebrity elites really hate that. They don’t want that in their backyards or doorsteps. They want those illegals kept far, far away from them and in areas of our country which they’d never set foot in voluntarily and whose leadership and populace they despise.

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Beyond Fake Meat

Beyond Fake Meat
Beyond Fake Meat

It’s looking like the days of fake meat may well be coming to an end. The Liberal/Progressive Eco-Fascists’, Climatards’, and Food Nazi’s dream of normalizing – and, of course, later mandating – plant-based “meat” products seems to be failing hard, wrecked upon the rocks of basic economics.

Beyond Meat is cutting its workforce by a 19% – approximately 200 employees – in a desperate move to slash eight figures’ worth of spending from its operation in order to survive it’s revenue collapse, which is now projected to be down by as much as $120 million (9-14%) from a year ago.

This failure is about as surprising as politician either lying or finding a way to “tax” more of your money. It’s simple economics. Fake meat is just too expensive; the only ones buying are the privileged coastal elites. And, even for them, it’s more about virtue signalling and supporting a Left-wing cause than wanting to eat the stuff. Certainly all attempts to mainstream fake meat have failed, with only 54% of people even trying vegetable-based meat alternative offerings at more blue-collar restaurants.

It’s really quite simple. It’s basic, almost remedial, economics. Any product that only appeals to a small number of potential customers and is necessarily priced above the pain point for the majority of people is doomed to either failure or being restricted to a small, niche offering.

And, given that the same Liberal and Progressive coastal elites that made a market for fake meat did so as a moralistic attack on normal people and as a way of entrenching their Warmist ideology, very few will miss this industry at all.

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