National Grillin' Day
The 4th Is Also National Grillin’ Day
The 4th of July isn’t just Independence Day. It’s also, unofficially but truly in general practice, national grillin’ day, when people of all sorts and stripes either grill or attend cookouts where someone is grillin’.
I, personally think that the grillin’ is the best part, or damn close to it, of the 4th’s celebrations. But then, I grill at least once a week, almost every week of year. Well, that and I’m not a fan of night filled with fireworks.
Some Bits Of Advice
One, while the grill is far, far, far more often than not a Man’s Zone, if you can find a woman who loves grillin’, Put. A. Ring. On. Her. Wife her right the fuck up!
Two, do not be that asshole. If your woman pre-prepped all the meats and vegetables, possibly including deciding upon and applying the marinades and/or rubs; and/or she made all the sides, desserts, and whatnot, DO. NOT. TAKE. CREDIT. FOR. THIS FEAST! It was a joint venture, one in which she did the bulk of the work, leaving you to apply your specific skillset to properly applying fire and smoke to food. Both in your own mind and in response to any compliments you get, make this clear.
Trust me in this, Gentlemen; not only will the above advice prevent you from being that asshole – and we all know or know of at least one of them – it will be to your direct benefit to heed me in this.
Carry on! I’m off to get my coals started.
Tags: America | Babes | Barbecue | Beauty | Food | Food & Drink | Grilling | Holidays | Independence Day | July 4th | Society