Don’t Be Racist!
Don’t Be Racist. Hate Everyone!
Grumpy Cat aka Tardar Sauce is normally a surprisingly good source of wisdom, but “Don’t Be Racist. Hate Everyone.” is one of her few and far between failures. It doesn’t work that way in these degenerate times. Insofar as the Liberals and Progressives and the Blacks they pander to- and enable are concerned, misanthropy is no defense whatsoever against the charge of racism.
Remember, as far as the SJWs are concerned failure to love or, at least, like or coddle Blacks is racist. It doesn’t matter to them why you fail to like, coddle, and/or excuse the behaviors and attitudes of Blacks; the simple fact that you fail to do so makes you racist in their eyes. Hence, even hating everyone equally is do defense.
Tags: America | Blacks | Grumpy Cat | Hate | Humor | Liberals | Memes | Misanthropy | Progressives | Race Baiting | Racism | Sarcasm | SJWs | Social Justice | Tardar Sauce