The Good And The Bad

As with most things, the SCOTUS’ recent decision that using race as a criteria for college enrollment is unconstitutional has its good and its related though largely irrelevant bad.
The Good
Almost everyone would agree that race should not be a criterion for anything. Well, they would if the race wasn’t Black. But, of course, the entirety of the Left and the “Black Community” does want race to be a criterion… if the race is Black and they get comparatively lowered admission standards. They unashamedly admit that the Blacks can’t meet normative admission standards.
But then, that is the entire premise of Equity! Hence, it’s good that this has been, at least insofar, as college admissions are concerned, finally eradicated by the SCOTUS.
The Bad
The Left and their Black sharecroppers have been ranting how Legacies still get preferential admissions and, while its irrelevant and nothing but a subnormal straw man, they are right in their assertion that Legacies are bad. They suck. They are based upon nothing resembling merit or ability. But they’re also not something that law or the courts can correct for.
Hellfire! I’d like to an end to athletic scholarships too. But that would really set off the Blacks.
Tags: #Equity | #Woke | America | Black Privilege | Blacks | College | DEI | Democrats | Law | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | SCOTUS | Society