Queers Are Stupid

Yes, queers are stupid. They openly and vociferously support “Palestine” despite the fact that each and every one of them could, and likely would, be subject to being tortured and brutally murdered by the very sorts they support if they were to ever meet them. They side with the very sorts that kill their kind whenever they found. That’s a special sort of stupid.
It’s not, IMHO, quite the sort of stupidity that most of us think though. Theirs is that special sort of stupidity that comes stems from the fact that the vast majority of queers are Democrats. And the Democrat party is staunchly antisemitic, especially when it comes to the Jewish nation of Israel. The queers’ stupidity is blindly following the Democrat party’s ideology even when it not only counter to their material interests, it’s counter to the very survival of those like them.
Sadly though, you can’t fix stupid. There’s no pill you can have them take; there’s not a class you can go to. Stupid is life. All you can do is to make sure that they can cause the least amount of harm to others as possible.
Tags: America | Anti-Semites | Antisemitism | BDS | Democrats | Israel | LGBTQ | Palestine | Palestinians | Politics | Progressives | Queers | Society | Stupidity