The Less Than 1%

The slacker rabble of the Occupy Wall Street mobs want people to believe to believe that they represent the 99% against the 1% in a classic case of class warfare. – or, at least some of them do; many are just protesters venting their hatred for America.

This may or may not be a lie and is likely to be inaccurate in any case. That being said, they are representative of a large number of parasites or cancerous societal growths within the body of our nation.

In the lamestream media’s biased eyes these occupations are the masses vs. the financial elite. What about the truly rarefied ethical and patriot “elite” though? What about what seems to be the Less Than 1%?

The Less Than 1%
Sadly, A Member Of The Far Less Than 1%

If we had a lot more people like the young person in the image above, America wouldn’t have ever reached the economic nadir that it has.

America doesn’t seem to have a lot like this person. Personal responsibility and even the most basic work ethic has given way to the entitlement society, in which people think that everyone else owes them something irrespective of of any evidence of their being worth anything.


NOTE: This person described in this image would be a statistical anomaly for a variety of reasons beyond their anomalous levels of integrity and self-reliance. Certain sorts even claim – amid a great deal of generalized venting and lingering emotional issues – the described circumstances to be impossible.

Be that all as it may, it is not the specifics of this described student’s situation that is important. It is the attitude it portrays that matters.

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