A Do-Nothing Congress?
Liberals and their Lamestream Media have denounced the 113th Congress as The Do-Nothing Congress and they’ve erroneously declared it The Least Productive Congress in History. Predictably, they declaim that this is wrong and evil and, equally predictably, they blame the GOP and only the GOP for this situation which they so deplore.
The Do-Nothing Congress
To America’s domestic enemies the simply fact that the 113th Congress has passed just 58 laws to be sent to Obama’s desk so that his little robot can sign them into law so far is a major failing. This is simply because Liberals and Progressives measure the worth of Congress by the sheer quantity of public laws enacted. To them that is governance.
Leftists are ideologically unable to comprehend, much less understand, the simple truth that sometimes less is more and this is certainly true of the enactment of additional laws.
The Elephant’s Child sums it up well:
The Do-Nothing Congress has been good for America, and if they pass few new laws, we can breathe slightly more easily. Congress passed just 70 laws, which may be too many. But Obama and Congressional Democrats planned an array of Big Government initiatives — gun control, immigration reform, a higher minimum wage, more job creation, infrastructure (again!), climate change, and education, to name only a few. Congress ended the year with none of those initiatives signed into law. And we are far better for it. No major tax hike, and the probability of a major tax hike in the next year has fallen.
NOTE: We have a minor discrepancy. The Elephant’s Child says 70 laws and my figures show 58. It’s not really here nor there but worth noting.
But then, this is the difference between Americans and the statists of the Left. Americans know that governing is not measured, at least positively measured, by the number of laws that are enacted.
Tags: America | Congress | Federalism | Freedom | GOP | Government | Law | Leftists | Liberals | Liberty | Progressives | Statism | Statists