Dat Ain’t Rape!
Lynne Albuquerque, who is White and a Long Island school teacher at Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School in Hempstead, NY, was threatened with a particularly severe variety of sexual assault by a Black student identified solely as “N.L..” The school’s Assistant Superintendent, Rodney Gilmore, another Black male, responded by filing disciplinary charges against her and moving to terminate her employment.
When I get done ramming you, I’m gonna bag your daughter, then ram the bitch through the whole gang!
— Ghetto Buck, N.L.
Gilmore claims, though in more “well-spoken” and “nuanced” words, that she was asking for it.
Dat Ain’t Rape! It’s Reparations!
What can only in these days be classed as unsurprisingly, the young ghetto buck, N.L. was never reported to the police and his three day suspension was almost immediately reversed because the elder ghetto buck, Rodney Gilmore decided that Ms. Albuquerque instigated the confrontation, i.e., she was asking for it either through her deportment or through her temerity as a White woman in confronting and possibly disciplining a Black male.
Frankly, I don’t know what Ms. Albuquerque was and is thinking. There was never any significant amount of hope that a Black-run school district was ever going to side with a White woman against a Black male, especially in the case of sexual assault, which when perpetrated by Black males upon White women isn’t considered by the “Black Community” to be wrong or criminal.
Funny how this never made the national news isn’t it? All it would take was a small Confederate Flag left anonymously on a Black teacher’s desk to cause the Lamestream Media’s headlines to explode. Yet, the threat of gang raping a White woman and her daughter by Blacks is not newsworthy, nor is her suspension and termination under the orders of a Black male. But then, that is the state of times and the mindset of America’s domestic enemies.
Truth be told, however, I’m not totally sympathetic to Ms. Albuquerque. Much like the Liberal aid workers who went to the Muslim World only to end up captured, brutalized, and beheaded, Ms. Albuquerque in choosing to teach Blacks in a Black-run school district put herself directly in harm’s way. Worse, again like Liberal aid workers who went to the Muslim World, she did so in a fashion that cut her off from all reasonable sources or support, succor, and recourse.
Tags: America | Blacks | Feminists | Ghetto Thugs | Hempstead | Law | Law Suits | Long Island | Lynne Albuquerque | New York | Racism | Rape | Reparations | Rodney Gilmore | School System | Segregation | Society | Teachers | Whites