Dog Day Afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon
Dog Day Afternoon

Remember, if you’re done with the week already, they’re done with the week already. Bring ’em in and give them a can of White Paw. 😆

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Wake Up, Charles!

Wake Up, Charles!
Wake Up, Charles!

Hehe. That’s right! He may be King Charles III now, but he’ll still need to obey those corgis that his mum left behind.

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Fish Scales

Fish Scales
Fish Scales

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Some Love Cats

Some Love Cats. Others Know They’re Hellspawn

It’s true; some people – a lot of them, actually – love cats. It’s also true that other people – an equally lot of them, actually – know in their hearts, minds, and souls that cats are hellspawn.

Hmmm? There’ six bits of evidence supporting the latter group’s opinion. 😉

Be Not Offended, Cat Lovers

Lugh, My Ever-So-Loving, Klutzy, Gooball
Grania, My Ever-So-Judgemental Cat

I Have Two Cats Of My Own. Or, Two Cats Have Me

Yep! I do love cats and have had them living with me for the majority of my life. But, that doesn’t mean that they’re not hellspawn. 😆

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Getting Her First Pet

Emma’s Getting Her First Pet 😆

Hehe… Getting your child their first pet doesn’t always go how the parents foresaw it going. 😉 Well, in my family it did, but your mileage may and likely will vary by a large margin.

NOTE: The snake in this hilarious cartoon strip appears to be an Emerald Green Tree Boa. They are not a good choice for anyone’s first snake, especially a young child’s. Still funny though.

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