Some Love Cats
It’s true; some people – a lot of them, actually – love cats. It’s also true that other people – an equally lot of them, actually – know in their hearts, minds, and souls that cats are hellspawn.
Hmmm? There’ six bits of evidence supporting the latter group’s opinion. 😉
Be Not Offended, Cat Lovers
I Have Two Cats Of My Own. Or, Two Cats Have Me
Yep! I do love cats and have had them living with me for the majority of my life. But, that doesn’t mean that they’re not hellspawn. 😆
Getting Her First Pet
Hehe… Getting your child their first pet doesn’t always go how the parents foresaw it going. 😉 Well, in my family it did, but your mileage may and likely will vary by a large margin.
NOTE: The snake in this hilarious cartoon strip appears to be an Emerald Green Tree Boa. They are not a good choice for anyone’s first snake, especially a young child’s. Still funny though.
Tags: Animals | Children | Herps | Humor | Parenting | Pets | Snakes