The Other Fake News
The Other Fake News
Americans have become used to or, at least, understand and recognize the Fake News represented by the lamestream media’s endemic liberal bias and its overt and unabashed anti-American attacks upon our President. What we’re seemingly less cognizant of it the other form of Fake News – the creation of supposed “newsworthiness” of events that really have little to no interest or meaning.
Yep! Somewhere’s some bullshit is happening and the media is going to its best to make sure you both know and care about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Kardashian’s panty line (Gasp!) or an animal common in the area running down a suburban street. 😉
Seems to me that most of them belong on Comedy Central, not a channel purported to be news.
Tags: America | Fake News | Humor | Lamestream Media | Liberals | Media Bias | MSM | Progressives | Propaganda | Sarcasm | Society