American Prayer?
A host of music and film personalities have joined their voices with former Eurythmics frontman Dave Stewart in a hymn like Barack Obama for President video, entitled “American Prayer.”
Alright, does anyone else find this video deeply disturbing due to its cult like qualities? It’s like they see him as The Messiah, The Savior, The One.
The lyrics are even more disturbing when read.
This is my American Prayer
This is my American Prayer
This is the time to finish what you started
And this is no time to dream
This is the room
We can turn off the dark tonight
Maybe then we might see
American Prayer
American Prayer
And this is the ground
That keeps our feet from getting wet
And this is the sky over our head
And what you see depends on where you stand
And how you jump will tell you where you’re gonna land
American Prayer
American Prayer
My oh my
Couldn’t get much higher
Lets not kick out the darkness
Make the lights brighter
And these are the hands
What are we gonna build with them?
This is the church you can’t see
Give me your tired, your poor and huddled masses
You know they’re yearning to breathe free
This is my American Prayer
American Prayer
American Prayer
When you get to the top of the mountain
Will you tell me what you see
If you get to the top of the mountain
Remember me
I find it both telling and disturbing that the creators of video do not seem to see Obama as leading America to some Promised Land as much as they seem to look forward to his transcendence or Ascension.
When you get to the top of the mountain
Will you tell me what you see
If you get to the top of the mountain
Remember me
There’s not a lot of the hope that Obama is selling in that last verse. Those are the words of followers who feel unworthy of salvation. They are the words of worshipers who hope that Obama, their Savior will ascend into his reign and look down upon them in blessing and give them a bare glimpse of His kingdom.
Again I must ask does anyone else find this disturbing?
Tags: 2008 Elections | Cults | Obama | Politics | Religion
August 26th, 2008 at 6:10 pm
Yep… it’s very disturbing.
August 26th, 2008 at 7:23 pm
You raise some interesting points. I hadn’t looked at it the way you did. I’ll definitely watch it again and give it some more thought.
August 27th, 2008 at 10:22 am
Profoundly disturbing. It made me want to wretch. What has this man done to deserve this worship?
August 27th, 2008 at 10:35 am
What Obama has done is sell hope and faith. I don’t really believe that Obama set out to form his own cult, but the increasingly secular and disillusioned culture of America and Western Europe has been ripe for an ideologue for some time and they have seemingly deified him.
September 6th, 2008 at 4:53 pm
What Obama has done is sell hope and faith. I don’t really believe that Obama set out to form his own cult, but the increasingly secular and disillusioned culture of America and Western Europe has been ripe for an ideologue for some time and they have seemingly deified him.
I have to agree, Jonolan, from what I have seen so far.
September 13th, 2008 at 9:40 pm
My wife came acrossthe following children’s book when cruising amazon.
“Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope.”
Bizzar really.
One of the comments hit the illustrations (alone) on the head:
“That being said, I feel I should address the illustrations featured in this book. To be sure, the illustrations are beautifully crafted. A couple of them are a little over the top, though. Case in point: the cover. Barack Obama is portrayed in a quasi-divine posture: Outstretched hands, awash with beaming rays of light. Other examples: The one I like to call “Obama: Master of the Universe, or On the Eighth Day, God Created Barack”. He stands against a swirly black background, surrounded by tiny, colorful dots of light resembling stars. The third shows Obama looking contemplative, butterfly perched on his hand.”
How did all of this Obama worship come about?
September 14th, 2008 at 6:53 am
Sick, just sick!
But I suppose it’s the natural result of the secular Left in America. They have sought to destroy the gods, but still find that they need at least one. It doesn’t surprise me that they’ve decided to a God out of man.
September 16th, 2008 at 8:29 am
This is really creepy!
We need to do the whole thing again, with different kandidates.
September 16th, 2008 at 8:30 am
Great Idea, Aafke! Sadly, these were apparently the best we could field this time around.