The Biden Vaccine
Here’s one positive thing. You can stop or reduce your worrying over the coronavirus. COVID-19 is on its way out thanks to the Biden Vaccine. The Democrats likely-beyond-reasonable-doubt installation of Joe Biden as the next POTUS is the vaccine that will destroy The ‘Rona.
By that, I don’t mean any “real” vaccine. I mean that, with the incoming Biden-Harris regime, the Lamestream Media will largely back off on sowing undue fear about COVID-19 and lambasting the Executive over any responses made or not made. They’ll do their “best” to “normalize” the fear levels while protecting Biden and Harris.
It makes perfect sense once you realize that the media is the virus. The media is the real disease causing so much pain and strife across our nation. Once that truth is understood, it makes sense that, having achieved their and their masters’ goals of installing Biden as the titular POTUS, the symptoms they caused will fade out.
Fade out, not go away!
That the media’s propagation of the “Panicdemic” will fade out doesn’t mean that it will fade away. No; the coronavirus will still be here. It’s just that the Lamestream media will normalize that while keeping just enough fear alive to enable them to castigate any and all who rebel against various and sundry Democrat politicians’ “reasonable” restrictions upon Americans’ Rights of Speech, Assembly, Religion, and Association.
Essentially, think of all Americans as “Long Haulers.”
Tags: 2020 Elections | America | Coronavirus | COVID-19 | Harris | Instilling Fear | Lamestream Media | Media Bias | Pandemic | Panic | Politics | Society | Tyranny