If The Axioms Are True

Let us for a moment consider what must be also be true if the tired and overly simplistic axioms about the Republican and Democratic parties’ affiliations and loyalties are actually fundamentally true. Let us, as a mental exercise in preparation for the upcoming 2010 Congressional Mid-Term Elections, take at face value the axioms that the Republicans are the “Party of Business” and the Democrats are the “Party of Labor.”

A quick look at America’s current situation and how Business and Labor, in the forms of corporations and unions, respectively impact it is needful in order to show the basic truths that must be accepted if those axioms are true.

America is a Recession, one that I believe will “double-dip” or even “triple-dip,” and grow worse in the upcoming quarters. Worse, while our GDP has made very modest gains and is showing some growth, albeit anemically, this “recovery” has been an essentially jobless one, with unemployment averaging 9.2% since Nov, 2008.

Employment & Wealth

Corporations (Business) create wealth and provide for employment as well as goods and services. Unions (Labor) create nothing, simply redistributing the wealth created by the corporations to their membership and their own coffers.

Which of these stands the best chance of helping America’s economy? Creation of wealth and employment or redistributing wealth and controlling jobs?

Representative Of America

Every member of America’s labor force either owns a business or is employed by one or more of them. Of that approximately 154 million Americans just 12.3% of them are members of unions.

Which represents America more? The businesses that are owned by and/or employ the sum of the American workforce or the labor unions which represent the goals of a mere 12.3% of our labor force?


So, as we consider who to elect to political office this November, we must consider these axioms about the Republicans and Democrats because, if they’re even close to true, these elections are going to be critically important for our near-term survival.

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