Gender Sanity


Gender Sanity – The Gender Spectrum Explained
(Click to Enlarge)

Amid all the insanity, depravity, and gross stupidity surrounding “gender,” here’s a small but needed dose of sanity. A person is either male or female or there’s something grossly wrong with them, most likely a severe mental disorder of one form or another.

Now, it is true that a very tiny number of people statistically are born with some form pseudo-hermaphroditism. These people – to further gender craziness – are now called “intersex” because using “hermaphrodite” to refer to “intersex individuals” is apparently considered to be stigmatizing and misleading, as is considering their condition a pathology…even though it is and can be a life threatening one.

The truth is the truth and all the political correctness and misguided “social justice” in the world won’t change that. You are either male or you are female or there is something wrong with you.

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Cereal Trends

It’s sort of important to keep at least marginal track of breakfast cereal trends. They say a disturbingly lot about society and they a decent statistical of our children’s future health outcomes.

wheaties to froot loopsCereal Trends – From Wheaties To Froot Loops

Yeah, this certainly doesn’t look like a healthy trend in cereals at all, especially for our children. Transsexuality may be the new fad flavor but that doesn’t make it healthy diet. 😉

And yes. I find this image of Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner on the boxes of Wheaties and Froot Loops to be snarkily funny. I do almost feel bad about that – almost – because Jenner is suffering from a severe mental disease and I don’t normally like making fun of the insane or mentally damaged. If Jenner wasn’t a celebrity and one of the hangers-on of the Kardashians I’d never have posted this.

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