You May Now Decorate

You May Now Decorate Your Christmasween Tree
You May Now Decorate Your Christmasween Tree

Thanksgiving is passed, as is Black Friday and Cyber Monday. So, you can decorate without bad luck or opprobrium from right-thinking people. Of course, the nature of that decorating is in flux. 😛

Some Very Fine Christmasween Decorations

Oh! And to all you fanatical Clausians, check your calendars. Besides, you really shouldn’t be doing purely Christmas stuff until Advent, which starts Sun, Dec 3, 2023 this year.

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In Scary Self-Defense

In Scary Self-Defense Against Christmas Creep
In Scary Self-Defense Against Christmas Creep

So, yesterday – that’d be November 4th – I went shopping. And what did I find? Christmas stuff… all over the place – Christmas-themed product packaging, Christmas-themed products themselves, and whole Christmas decorations and paraphernalia displays. On November 4th!

A Good Defense Is A Sexy Offense

When the Christmas Creep is this aggressive, I’m forced to pull out the Halloween Calendar in response. 😉 If the cultists of the ice-bound Draugr from the North can’t wait – in America – until at least the day after Thanksgiving, we’re going to have to combat their advance. And hey! I’d strongly prefer they be forced to wait until Adventthat’d be Sunday, December 3rd this year – to trot out the Christmas stuff, but I’m not a fanatic and am quite willing to compromise to the old tradition of the day after Thanksgiving.

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