Arachnid Drug Culture

In 1995 NASA published it’s findings on the effects of common recreational drugs and toxins on the behavior and web building characteristics of spiders. It was only a preliminary report though and didn’t provide any insight into the long-term effects of various drugs upon the spiders’ behavior and web weaving.

Fortunately others have continued where NASA left off:

Spiders On Drugs – A Tangled Web Indeed

H/T to SwittersB & Fly Fishing for finding this great piece on YouTube.

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3 Responses to “Arachnid Drug Culture”

  1. zhann Says:

    So, the moral of the story …

    … Smoke less pot. Instead, smoke crack!


  2. Jay Burns Says:

    “The crack cocaine spider said “building webs is for suckas”.” Love it.

  3. jonolan Says:


    Yes, in the short run it’d be better to be a crack spider. Late though, when the drive-by shootings start and the turf wars begins, it’ll get pretty bad.

    And do we really want to see spiders in eight-legged saggy jeans


    Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

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