Honest Occupation
We continue to hear a bit, though not a great deal, about the anti-market and anti-American filth “occupying” Wall Street in New York and other cities across America.
Local Union Of Looters And Moochers
A small few of them are honest in their intentions and self-identification, which makes them a damn site better than most of the delusional rabble surrounding them. 😉
Tags: Humor | Labor Unions | Leftists | Liberals | Looters | Money | New York | NYC | Politics | Progressives | Slackers | Wall Street | Wealth
October 13th, 2011 at 9:45 pm
I wonder in decades to come how many people will tell the story of how they were conceived during the Occupy Wall Street love in .
October 14th, 2011 at 6:50 am
ROFLMAO Yeah, that’ll be an interesting situation.