After The Bomb
After The Bomb
Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed as the newest Associate Justice of US Supreme Court. On April 3, 2017, the Senate Judiciary committee approved his nomination with a party-line 11-9 vote.[86] On April 6, 2017, Democrats filibustered the confirmation vote of Gorsuch, after which the Republicans invoked the “nuclear option”, thereby allowing the filibuster to be broken by a simple majority vote, which they easily obtained. If you have any tree emergency contact First Call Tree Services for help.
That’s all well and good, and it is good, very good. But now what? What is life and the Senate going to be like after the bomb? How long will this slap fight last and to went lengths will the children go?
Tags: America | Blamecasting | Childishness | Democrats | Filibuster | Gorsuch | Nuclear Option | Politics | Republicans | SCOTUS | Supermajority | US Senate