They Would Be Heroes

Democrats - They Would Be Heroes - The Revengers
Dems – They Would Be Heroes

Because, if they can’t rule the American people, you can be damn sure they take revenge upon them.

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Corporate Heroes

Crime fighting may be rewarding and, in the case of superheroes, it’s certainly glamorous in its way. It doesn’t, however, pay the bills. Hence, what would it be like if superheroes took endorsement contracts and had corporate sponsors?

Corporate Heroes

Of course, I can’t picture Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark being a celebrity spokespersons for McDonald’s or Nike respectively…unless they’d decided to diversify their holdings and buy those companies. 😉

And yes, I know. Galactus is a cosmic entity of nigh on unparalleled power who is beyond such petty concerns as wealth…or is that Bill Gates? I get them confused sometimes. 😆

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