What Is Collusion?
What is Collusion? All of the above was collusion and were heinous acts that have been allowed to be perpetrated with no real, concrete consequences for the offenders, all of which are still walking around alive and free within our nation’s borders. Instead, we the Dems in Congress engaged in a long-running coup attempt against the POTUS we elected, again without any signs of them facing real, concrete consequences at the righteous hands of we, the People.
And yes! This was all a concerted effort to install Hillary as the President of the United States – a hellish fate that we just managed to avoid through the efforts of the American people and the laws that govern our democracy and mitigate the threats against it.
Tags: America | Civil War | Collusion | Coup | Coup D'Etat | Democrats | Hillary | Impeachment | Insurrection | Obama | Politics | Trump