The Media’s Focus

The Media's Focus Is Agenda-Driven, Not Truth-Driven
The Media’s Focus Is Agenda-Driven, Not Truth-Driven

The Lamestream Media’s aka the Democrat Propaganda Corps‘ focus on international political-economics and election interference is driven wholly and solely by their agenda. It is not in any way shape or form driven by the truth. You will not see, read, or hear the truth from the barkers of the Lamestream Media unless that truth is harmful to President Trump and/or the GOP or can be spun by their “journalists” into being so.

Media Chooses Truth

They’ve been allowed to become the gatekeepers of information. Worse, they and the rest of the Democrats regularly decry any conflicting information as being a “conspiracy theory” or some form of “denier,” e.g., “science-denier,” and they refute the validity of any information source other than the Lamestream Media.

To sum it up, the Lamestream Media’s goal is shape public opinion in certain specific ways to further an agenda. It is not to inform the public or report upon issues of actual importance.

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