Binding Regulation
H.R.10 – the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011 (REINS Act) seems to have really set Obama’s teeth on edge in a big way. Before REINS Act has even gone to the Democrat-controlled Senate he’s threatened to veto the bill, which would provide Congressional oversight of the regulations set forth by the various federal bureaus and agencies under the command of the Executive.
Obama has no plans to allow Congress such oversight of his actions.
The House Republican proposal would require Congress to approve any regulation that is estimated to cost the U.S. economy more than $100 million a year, would result in an increase in prices, or have adverse effect on competition or jobs.
All my readers know that I loath Obama but there is no doubt in my mind that he’d be perfectly correct in vetoing the REINS Act if it ever managed to reach his desk. The Executive is not subordinate to the Legislative and this Act seeks to make it so.
Breath. I know it seems profoundly shocking that I agree with Obama on something, especially a contest between him and the GOP, but it does happen upon the rare occasion.
If the REINS Act were to become law, we might well as go ahead and subsume the whole of the Executive into the Legislative because very few, if any at all, federal regulations don’t cost the U.S. economy more than $100 million a year, result in an increase in prices, have adverse effect on competition or jobs, or some combination of the three.
Tags: America | Congress | Economy | Employment | Jobs | Law | Obama | Politics | Regulation | Separation of Powers | US House of Representives