Al Gore Comes Unhinged

Al Gore, the Hierophant of Global Warming, is getting angrier and angrier about his descent into irrelevance. This is unsurprising since he’s lost a great deal of money with the ongoing collapse of the AGW cult’s political power and stands to lose even more.

It’s truly hilarious to watch this ineffectual sociopath decompensate and become more and more unhinged.

Gore™ AGW Kool Aid – It’s Not Selling Anymore

At an Aspen Institute media forum titled “Networks and Citizenship” Gore came unhinged and started railing against just about every segment of American industry.

The model of media manipulation used then, Gore said, “was transported whole cloth into the climate debate. And some of the exact same people — I can go down a list of their names — are involved in this. And so what do they do? They pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message: ‘This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!” Gore exclaimed.

Even leaving the profanity and utter gracelessness of Gore’s rantings aside, this was a pathetic display by a deeply morally bankrupt individual, hell-bent on trying to revive his doomsday cult for his own profit despite the growing weight of findings that shatter their myths.

“They pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message…” After all the fraud, shoddy and slanted methodology, subornation of the peer review process, and outright corruption displayed by the IPCC, Al Gore, The University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, and horde of other Warmists, it’s safe to say that Gore’s claim fits him and them far better than those that he railed against.

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Voodoo Science

Space Shuttle LandingWednesday, July 20, 2011 Space Shuttle Atlantis will complete STS-135 and land for the final time, marking the end of NASA’s  30 year long Shuttle Program.

This the ending of a generation long era and is a bittersweet thing. Many people will miss both the Space Shuttle and America’s manned spaced program, which has probably ended as well.

Nostalgia aside, many people believe that we’ll miss America’s Space Program for a wide variety of tangible technological reasons, citing the plethora of technologies that they believe were either developed by NASA or at NASA’s request.

Perhaps happily, much of what they believe was done by or specifically for NASA wasn’t as the former chair of the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland and founder of Washington Office of the American Physical Society, Dr. Robert L. “Bob” Park has repeatedly stated.

Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud: In 10 well-written essays suitable for a lay audience, Robert Park uses pathological science as a basis for far-reaching discussions on science, society, and the misinformation that reaches the public.

Dr. Park Touches upon everything from Deepak Chopra’s “quantum alternative to growing old,” and “free energy” machines, to the unwarranted hype surrounding the International Space Station.

Like some critics I disagree on some points with Dr. Park and think that he has underplayed the advances in science and technology came as derivatives of the Space Program. Voodoo Science is certainly worth reading however. It sets a framework from which the reader can move on to rationally approach scientific and technological advances as they truly are as opposed to how they are presented to the everyday layman.

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Al Gore’s New Clothes

Al Gore and his cult of Warmists may be in denial, but that doesn’t change the fact their day has largely ended and they are well on the way along the downward spiral of relevancy that will either leave them as footnotes in history, like the 1970s Global Cooling believers, or as something akin to PETA, a mockery and an embarrassment.

Al Gore In Denial
Al Gore & His Warmists – Exposed!

Of course, as the above image displays, Al Gore hopefully wouldn’t be the first choice by the Warmists for a PETA style AGW poster or billboard. 😉

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