Someone Call Red Bull
Some call Red Bull. Obamanomics is in a flat spin and falling groundward at 177 feet / second. Someone needs to give it wings or something before it splatters all over the nation.
Obamanomics – No Gentle Landing Foreseen
Red Bull and Felix Baumgartner seem a better choice than the Federal Government and Obama, though Felix is certainly not as articulate as Obama. He seems to favor results over rhetoric.
Of course this is a perennial problem with amateurs. No matter how often their told that 90% of chute failures are due to poor body positioning, they’re still likely to get it wrong the first few times.
Head Up Your Ass – The Keynesian Position
Yeah, someone call Red Bull and Baumgartner or – and here’s a thought – let’s throw the worthless little failure out of the White House and replace him with someone who understands business economics and whose desires are more likely to encourage the private sector to grow again.
Tags: 2012 Elections | America | Baumgartner | Corporations | Economics | Economy | Employment | Free Market | Humor | Jobs | Keynesian Economics | Obama | Red Bull | Unemployment