It Sure Wasn’t Love
Spit or Swallow … Or Puke – It Sure Wasn’t Love
It’s “The Morning After.” In this case it’s the morning after Valentine’s Day, which means many, many people will be experiencing certain forms of emotional hangover, instead of- or in addition to their physical ones.
Of course, on a morning when society pedantically instructs us that on this one “special” day staggering though one’s “Walk of Shame” is less shameful and less degrading than not being in a position to do so, this must be fully expected.
I’m sure many women – and not a few men – are busy vomiting the bad taste left from this celebration of “romance” out of their mouths. 😉
Tags: Hangovers | Holidays | Humor | Relationships | Romance | Sarcasm | Sex | Shame | Society | Valentine's Day
February 16th, 2015 at 5:34 am
It simply gives chics yet another opportunity to dig me.