One Letter Hangman
Playing One Letter Hangman With The MSM
Yeah, it’s pretty much like that. It’s nigh on impossible to get any of the MSM “journalists” to call Hamas terrorists because doing so would violate the prerequisite antisemitism of the MSM.
Indeed, the only group of Muslims that the Lamestream Media will label as terrorists is ISIS and that’s only because they’ve decided that “terrorist” is a more pro-Islam label for this Jihadist army. After all, they wouldn’t want to make it sound like ISIS is waging jihad and trying to bring into existence the Caliphate.
I think it’s time for we, the People to realize that the only way that the “journalists” of the MSM would ever win One Letter Hangman is if we hanged all them that got it wrong. 😉
Tags: Hamas | Humor | ISIS | Jihad | Journalism | Media Bias | MSM | Muslims | Politics | Terrorism | Terrorists
August 23rd, 2014 at 9:12 am
Amen to that brother!