It Ain’t No More, OK?
On Tuesday, August 25th, 2009, Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) hosted a Town Hall meeting on ObamaCare at the South Lakes High School in Reston, VA. As could be expected in these times of increased political involvement by the People, the turn-out was large and included both supporters of nationalized health insurance and its opponents.
That’s becoming normal and is certainly a welcome change from the general apathy the electorate has shown in previous decades.
What is also becoming normal, or at least normalized, and is most certainly unwelcome is the behavior exhibited by Obama’s supporters, now including ones who operate under the Color of Law.
Black Thug in Uniform says It Ain’t America No More
School security officer Wesley Cheeks, Jr. took offense to one of the protester’s posters, one utilizing a variation of Firas Alkhateeb’s now-viral Obama-as-Joker imagery. Unlike others who might have disliked the poster in question, Officer Cheeks had the badge, firearm, and misused legal authority to threaten an American into taking down the sign that so offended what passes for his “sensibilities.”
As is clearly demonstrated by this thug-with-a-gun-and-badge, a certain sort of follower of Obama just doesn’t care about the Constitution, especially the 1st Amendment, when the assembly or expression it would protect is counter to the agenda of the First Black President.
Protester – This is America. This used to be America.
Officer Cheeks – It ain’t no more, OK?
The thug, Cheeks must be given some credit for honesty at least. He was blunt and unapologetic in his treason to the ideals and foundations of America. It should only be a modicum of credit though; Cheeks is Black and therefore, due to various programs and laws in the South, shielded from disciplinary action or termination for his action; he’s protected and held to a far lower standard of behavior than a White officer would be.
Frankly, I’m thankful the protester was White. I’m afraid of what Cheeks’ response would have been to a Black who he might have considered a “Race Traitor.”
Don’t expect the Reston, VA Police Department to do anything to Cheeks. Don’t expect the ACLU to help in any civil suit. Certainly don’t expect President Obama to issue a condemning statement. If something is to be done about Officer Cheeks and the forces he’s a stormtrooper for, it must come from we, the People.
No matter what filth like Cheeks jabber, this is still America and it will remain such as long as Americans are willing to to balk the actions of such as him and, if needed and no other recourse is allowed, make an example of him such as will be remembered with terror by others of his foul ilk throughout the years.
Tags: 1st Amendment | America | Blacks | Freedom | Ghetto Thugs | Healthcare | Liberals | Obama | Police | Politics | The Constitution | Tyranny | Wesley Cheeks