Thugs Attack Red Cross
It seems that the subhuman thugs in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and SEIU unions are more interested in maintaining their control and privileges than in the lives of American men, women, and children.
As America entered into winter and the holiday season, a time of year when blood donations are at their lowest levels and are the most urgently needed, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, SEIU’s sister union and member of the filth, Anna Burger’s Change to Win labor coalition, took advantage of this “opportunity” to go on strike on December 4th against the American Red Cross Blood Services Pennsylvania – New Jersey Region.
Subhuman Thugs Who Should And Must Be Exterminated
The situation rapidly grew worse as the ghetto thugs and assorted misborn vermin illegally blocked critically necessary blood deliveries.
The Red Cross says it had to inform union members that a two-year-old child’s life depended on our blood delivery before they would allow a Red Cross vehicle to exit the yard to get the necessary blood products to the hospital.
Fortunately the Red Cross was able to swiftly get a Court Injunction against these mockeries of mankind and the needed blood was delivered – under duress – to the patients in the more than 100 hospitals held hostage by these scum.
Of course these misbegotten crotch-droppings weren’t satisfied with merely holding 100 hospitals dependent upon Red Cross blood supplies hostage. Various other gangs from the Teamsters union targeted to other unrelated private businesses in the area conducting their own blood drives and tried to use their standard intimidation techniques to prevent them from happening.
Americans need to wake up and take whatever means are necessary to remove the now existential these thuggish vermin pose. Expect no help from Obama’s government and little, if any help from the law until its too late and take those facts into account when you plan your actions.
Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.
Tags: Anna Burger's | Disease Control | Ghetto Thugs | Healthcare | Labor Unions | New Jersey | Pennsylvania | Politics | Red Cross | SEIU | Society | Teamsters | Thugs | Vermin | War